Diferencia entre revisiones de «Ruthar»

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→‎True Desolation: disambig link
m (→‎True Desolation: disambig link)
Jasnah, aware of Ruthar's continuing hostility, carefully laid out a trap for him so he would disgrace himself. She made sure he saw her giving suggestions and discussing strategy with the [[Dieno enne Calah|Mink]]; having been forbidden from partaking in the war planning that day, he grew steadily more frustrated until he snapped and loudly declared his dissatisfaction with having an atheist woman leading the country and partaking in masculine arts. Jasnah directed [[Wit]] to insult him until Ruthar demanded a trial by combat. Though Dalinar reminded him that he risked forfeiting his title and lands if he killed Wit, Ruthar was insistent; Wit instead chose to elect a champion to fight for him and gave the opportunity to Jasnah. Ruthar, outraged at Jasnah's audacity, refused to fight and dropped his sword, so Jasnah stabbed him through the neck. Renarin quickly healed Ruthar, who was then stripped of his title and replaced as highprince by his son Relis.{{book ref|sa4|50}}
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