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|profession=Boxer <small>(formerly)</small>, door guard <small>(formerly)</small>, [[skop]]'s husband
|aliases=John West, Johnny, Runian Von-Internet of Cascadia
|groups=[[Fabian Augments]] cartel
|books=[[The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England]]
Runian is a muscular man of average height, who wears sturdy boots with laces, a long shirt he covers with a brown tunic, and blue jeans. He has a vibrant cloak to finish off an outfit that a cosplayer might wear.{{book ref|frugal|1}}
He struggles to decide what he likes, and to help him decide, he has a habit of making star ratings.{{book ref|frugal|29}}
== Abilities and Attributes ==
Like many people from his time, Runian has medical [[nanites]] that protect him from diseases and heal his wounds.{{book ref|frugal|3}}. The nanites can also stop hair growth so that Runian does not have to shave,{{book ref|frugal|10}} provide oxygen in case of drowning,{{book ref|frugal|15}} regulate temperature, modify taste, and reduce the need for sleep. Consumption of carbon materials, such as charcoal, can replenish nanites.{{book ref|frugal|16}} Runian has a visual overlay that shows him his status{{book ref|frugal|4}}.
He also has plating augments that prevent most weapons from piercing his skin, except on his chest and skull where the plates are not active. He has additional augments for night vision, optical zoom, skin camouflage, and voice modification{{book ref|frugal|9}}
He has artistic skills that are impressive by medieval standards,{{book ref|frugal|11}} and he is good at lying.{{book ref|frugal|21}}
== History ==
=== Sefawynn ===
John first met Sefawynn when he was captured just after his arrival to the dimension. Sefawyn is a [[Weswaran]] [[skop]] and decidedsdecides that John is not an Aelv but is just a charlatencharlatan. After Sefawynn's brother is taken they leave with [[Ealstan]] the thegn of [[Stenford]].{{book ref|frugal|5}} Throughout the journey John and Sefawynn grow closer together, eventually falling in love. In the end John decides to stay as his interference will protect Sefawynn from the wrath of [[Woden]]. Eventually they get married.{{book ref|frugal|epilogue}}
== Notes ==
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{{Frugal Wizard}}
[[Category: Viewpoint characters]]
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