Diferencia entre revisiones de «Ruinaoscura»

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(Corrected Wikim's motivation for giving blackbane to Shallan.)
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Blackbane''' was poisonous plant with black leaves that grew on [[Roshar]].{{book ref|b|twok|c|2}} Blackbane leaves only become deadly once they have been dried.
[[Kaladin|Kaladin Stormblessed]] intended to use leaves of blackbane to murder the [[Thaylen]] slaver [[Tvlakv]].{{book ref|b|twok|c|2}}{{book ref|b|twok|c|4}}
Kaladin hid a few blackbane leaves behind his girth but eventually he took them out to feel them, and then lost them when he tried to help a diseased slave. [[Sylphrena|Syl]] was curious about the leaves but Kaladin didn't talk about. When Kaladin, after a few weeks in [[Bridge Four]], decided to use the [[Honor Chasm]] she fortunately arrived in time to keep him from tossing himself down the chasm. She told him that she left to search something he had lost before, and donated him a leave of blackbane not knowing about their toxicity. Though carrying that leave was a great effort for her, she did it because she felt him going mad after he lost the leaves in the cart.{{book ref|b|twok|c|11}}
[[Shallan]] was given a bag by her brother [[Wikim Davar|Wikim]], to indicate that he no longer wanted to kill himself due to her compassion in directing his study.{{book ref|b|sa2|c|48}} She eventually used it to kill her father [[Lin Davar|Lin]] after he killed his wife [[Malise Gevelmar]].{{book ref|b|sa2|c|73}}
== Notes ==
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