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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Rlain''' (nicknamed '''Shen''') is a [[Parshendi]] and member of [[Bridge Four]].{{book ref|sa1|46}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
Rlain, as Shen in Dullform, has the classic Parshendi skin of red and black marbled patterns. He looks like many of the other parshmen.
He had the Bridge 4 / freedom tattoo placed upon his forehead.{{book ref|sa2|2}}
Rlain in Warform has an orange-red skullplate and armored carapace at the chest, thighs, and outer arms. He remained as tall as an Alethi but more muscular in body type. Rlain’s Bridge Four tattoo remained on his forehead, but now it blends into his skullplate.{{book ref|sa2|79}}
Shen remains quiet for much of Way of Kings.
He asks “Am"Am I really Bridge Four?" and “Where"Where is my spear?" of Kaladin. He states “A"A slave I am, then”then" after Kaladin says the Lighteyes would object to a parshmen with a spear.{{book ref|sa2|22}} This shows more intelligence than the parshmen display.
He shows flashes of pride after being granted a spear and apologizes to Kaladin when he leaves.
Later when he returns to the Alethi, he is mournful of the loss of his people. {{book ref|sa2|79}}