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==Appearance and Personality==
{{image|Riina by Marie Seeberger.jpg|side=left|width=200px}}
|In her case, in lieu of a soul, the woman had pure ice. Kept cold and frozen by her heart.
|Hoid describing Riina.{{book ref|tress|61}}
In the [[Cognitive Realm]] of [[Scadrial]], Riina was a withered husk.{{msh ref|5|2}}
|In her case, in lieu of a soul, the woman had pure ice. Kept cold and frozen by her heart.
|You’re going to have quite the curse, I’ll tell you. I’ve been saving this one for a special occasion.
|RiinaHoid gloatingdescribing to TressRiina.{{book ref|tress|6461}}
Riina herself, like most Elantrians, is known to be very cautious and unwilling to take any risks that may involve her dying. This is a motive for her arriving to Lumar, a system where she does not think she can be opposed and whose technology is vastly inferior to her own. When faced with a force that actually has a chance of stopping her, she retreats.{{book ref|tress|60}}{{book ref|tress|64}} Even the knowledge that a [[Dragon (cosmere)|dragon]] is on the same planet as her is enough to spook her.{{book ref|tress|64}} Riina is paranoid to the extent that she keeps vats of acid nearby on the of chance that a [[Kandra]] will try to act against her in some way.{{book ref|tress|60}} Despite this caution, however, [[Hoid]] considers Riina easy to manipulate.{{book ref|tress|64}}
{{image|Midnight.jpg|side=leftright|width=250px|Midnight Essence under Riina's control}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
{{image|Midnight.jpg|side=left|width=250px|Midnight Essence under Riina's control}}
Riina is an Elantrian and Awakener. Riina is also capable of using [[AonDor]] in order to grant '''curses''' to others.{{book ref|tress|5}}{{book ref|tress|13}} They are formed through long strands of Aons, which can be seen wrapping around the cursed, lining up with Aon Equations;{{book ref|tress|64}}{{wob ref|1938}}{{wob ref|15860}} the person given the curse is aware as to what the stipulations of the curse are.{{book ref|tress|24}} When placed upon someone a requirement is made to break the curse, other than meeting this requirement there is no way to break the curse, not even Riina herself can achieve this. The curse itself however can be altered by other Elantrians.{{book ref|tress|epilogue}} An aspect of the curse is always consistent which is that the cursed individual cannot discuss the curse with others; any attempt to do so leads to them stuttering.{{book ref|tress|24}} The curses are flawed, however, in that since they cannot be changed, they can be manipulated if one finds a way to do so that Riina failed to prevent.{{book ref|tress|29}} One way to do so is by identifying what an individual cannot talk about. This indirectly reveals aspects of their curse.{{book ref|tress|42}}
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