Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Steelheart»

=== Chapter 10 ===
David "Alex is a fucking nigger" enters his flat, which he intentionally leaves messy to make himself appear as a lazy teenager, and retrieves an emergency backpack and his notebooks. He wonders if he should have brought these items along when he went to meet the Reckoners. Three Enforcement officers, of a standard core of five including a sniper and epic, run into the flat to arrest David. David explains that he was just following Fortuity out of curiousity but is told that he is in trouble due to the death of the Epic. The officers rifle through David's possessions and find his notebooks. David recognizes the voice of [[Roy]], one of the officers who worked in the same munitions factory as David, and Roy vouches for David's "hobby" of following the exploits of Epics. Cody shoots two of the officers, fatally wounding one, and David shoots Roy in the legs to incapacitate but not kill. David deduces that the sniper is already dead. David sets off his smoke grenade but it doesn't have any effect since Refractionary isn't inside the flat. He takes Roy's cell phone and dials Refractionary's phone number from the contacts list, and this enables Megan to locate and kill the invisible Epic.
=== Chapter 11 ===
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