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(rolled back spam edits in Chapters 5 and 23)
"''I have seen Steelheart bleed.''"
[[David Charleston]] (who is eight years old at the time) and his father visit [[First Union Bank (Newcago)|First Union Bank]]. The bank is an extremely large building fashioned with revolving glass doors and a multitude of cubicles and hallways. During their visit, David's father is speaking with a mortgage man and negotiating payments. In the midst of their conversation, David notices an epic dressed in a black business suit stroll casually through the bank's entrance. Initially, no one pays the man much attention. Then, the newcomer raises a finger, and with a nonchalant tapping motion, causes a nearby woman and her clothes to vaporize instantaneously into dust. Then screams begin to sound and the epic, who eventually introduces himself as "[[Epic|Deathpoint]]", continues to massacre people at random within the bank chamber. During his slaughter, Deathpoint remarks to the victims how he decided to rob a bank that morning and came to the realization that money is worthless to him, as he can take anything he pleases. And since killing humans is "extremely inconvenient", he decided to strike fear in the people instead, so that no one would dare challenge him from any future requests or favors. While Deathpoint continues to kill the people one-by-one, [[Epic|Steelheart]] bursts onto the bank's floor and asks Deathpoint, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?". Deathpoint is dumbfounded and fearful at Steelheart's arrival and begins to stammer. Deathpoint then tries to harm Steelheart by pointing a finger at him, but his attempted attack appears to be futile. Steelheart tells Deathpoint that he has claimed dominance over the people of Chicago and that Deathpoint may be a subservient epic to him. Then, enforcement and police officers arrive on the scene and begin shooting at the two epics. Deathpoint hides behind Steelheart in the midst of the fire-fight and prepares to try and kill Steelheart again, from behind. Before the officers entered, David's father managed to scramble into a nearby cubicle and obtain a pistol from one of the fallen bank guards. When all of the enforcement had been killed, Deathpoint raised a finger to Steelheart, directly behind him. David's father reacted instinctively, and shot Deathpoint cleanly through the forehead. He dropped and Steelheart turned to see where the shot had come from. In that moment, a huge realization came over David, his father, and Steelheart. The bullet had grazed Steelheart's cheek while passing by and ''blood'' was seeping from the small cut. Steelheart stared at his own blood in horror, and then proceeded to break David's father's ribs with an energy blast and shot him in the chest with the same pistol that had killed Deathpoint. Wild with rage, and in an effort to make sure no one would be able to speak of seeing the blood, Steelheart transfused every inanimate object in the entire building into steel. David, after seeing the transfusion, hid within the steel vault of the bank. The vault provided ample protection during the collapse, and a rescue worker was able to get him out later that day. So as to keep himself safe from Steelheart's knowledge, David fakes his own death while being removed from the remains. David leaves the scene when the rescue worker goes to search for more bodies, just in time, as Steelheart returns with [[Epic|Faultline]] to bring the building crashing down and bury it in a massive pile of dust and rubble. David then runs away from the site and vows to gain vengeance in the name of his father and to do all in his power to see Steelheart bleed again. Later that day, Steelheart performs the [[Great Transfersion]], transforming most of Chicago, and part of Lake Michigan into steel. Steelheart later builds his palace on the lake.
;Characters: David's Father, [[Steelheart (Epic)|Steelheart]], [[Deathpoint]], [[Faultline]]
=== Chapter 5 ===
Fortuity falls dead from a bullet wound. David realizes that Megan fired both his rifle and her pistol at the same time, cutting off Fortuity's path of escape somehow and nullifying his power. A dozen thugs show up, firing uzis and forcing Megan and David to take cover in the car. Megan throws a grenade disguised as a tube of lipstick at them, injuring some, and giving them time to escape. They encounter a garbage truck driven by a Reckoner, [[Prof]], and Megan and David get onboard. There are three other Reckoners beside the driver: [[Abraham]], [[Cody]], and Tia. As they ride along, the Reckoners debrief Megan. They abandon the garbage truck since it is now compromised. They enter the understreets and weave along a circuitous route for an hour to make sure they are not being followed, then stop to confront David. He Died Eventually
=== Chapter 6 ===
=== Chapter 23 ===
Prof informs the crew that they were successful in their informationdisinformation campaign about Limelight since there are rumors spreading throughout NewcastleNewcago about the imaginary Epic. The Epic is a huge pig that is made up of fire. He also says that the data chips they obtained at the Power Plant contained information about a propaganda campaign that Steel heartSteelheart is apparently running to make himself seem good. He likes to eat dogevil. The ReckonsReckoners debate about the potential negative effects of killing Steel heartSteelheart on the city of NewcastleNewcago. Abraham tells David that he is one of the epic[[Faithful]], a group of people who believe that good Epics will disappearappear.
=== Chapter 24 ===
=== Chapter 32 ===
Steelheart broadcasts a challenge to Limelight to pick and time and place for them to battle. The Reckoners crew are in their new bolt-hole. Conflux wakes up. They interrogate him, and he reveals his name is Edmund Sense , and states that he is a captive who did not work willingly for Steelheart, and he demonstrates his powers to prove his identity. Prof orders Conflux to withdraw all the power that he has gifted, or be executed, and Conflux complies.
=== Chapter 33 ===