Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Snapshot»

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m (→‎Chapter 8: added context)
== Chapter 8 ==
They hide out in an apartment building nearby. Chaz doesn't like the incomplete view they have, so he volunteers to go into the building because Davis is too afraid. He confesses to Chaz why he was assigned to Snapshot duty - that in a previous case he was unable to shoot an assailant who went on to kill a police officer. Chaz tells Davis that he has known since the day they were made partners, but Chazhe wanted to let David tell alreadyhim knowshimself. As Chaz walks over, Davis gets a message from Maria warning him to avoid some gang violence near their next assignment. Davis considers telling her what they're really doing, but he's afraid they will turn off the Snapshot. Chaz texts that he is in the building, and the Photographer isn't there yet. Davis then spots him arriving and entering the building. Chaz follows him into the locker room. He reports that he checked on the bodies and started eating a burger. Davis is forced to leave the apartment he's in as the occupant has returned. He posts himself near the school and waits. Chaz then reports that he's leaving and heading his way. Davis sees him pass and starts to follow, Chaz following on a parallel path. The Photographer turns toward Warsaw street and enters an apartment very close to their next case. Chaz meets up with Davis, and Davis says he wants to go inside to talk to him, hoping to avoid the plan he put in place for 20:17. Chaz wants to go in too, but Davis insists he stay outside. He knocks on the door, and the Photographer answers.
== Chapter 9 ==