Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Lux»

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(→‎Chapter 49: grammar)
=== Chapter 50 ===
*[[Jax (Reckoners)|Jax]]
The Reckoners hurry outside as icy clouds begin to descend over Lux, blanketing the city. Languish tells them that Cloudbreaker has summoned a Frost, and that everything will die within mere hours. Languish tells them that they have to leave the city, but the Reckoners are determined to stay. Languish wants to leave, but Jax doesn’t want him as a hindrance and lets him go. After he leaves, Jax reveals that he has hidden a tracking device in Languish’s supplies so they can track him. They decide that they need to get to Cloudbreaker’s mansion immediately.
=== Chapter 51 ===
*[[Lifeforce]] (point of view)
Lifeforce runs into his lab, hurriedly grabbing Cloudbreaker’s DNA samples and quickly preparing the same procedure he used with Wingflare’s powers. He injects the DNA into himself, and considers the combined blood of thousands of people that flow through his veins. He has initial success, but when he tries to draw upon the power, but Lux begins to slip from his grasp. The demon inside of him breaks free, using Cloudbreaker’s powers to accelerate the Frost. Lifeforce realizes that it is impossible for him to control both Wingflare and Cloudbreaker’s powers at once.
=== Chapter 52 ===
*[[Jax (Reckoners)|Jax]]
The Reckoners use their motorcycles to try and get to Cloudbreaker’s mansion as the Frost envelops the city. The Frost envelops them, completely obscuring their vision and causing extreme cold. Using Paige’s thermal scope, they discover Cloudbreaker’s corpse hanging from a flagpole outside her mansion. A sign is around her neck, with the word “traitor” written on it. They rush through the city, and they can hear the shouting of Lux’s citizens. Completely lost, Jax has Hershel send up a flare, and Paige spots it using her thermal scope.
=== Chapter 53 ===
*[[Jax (Reckoners)|Jax]]
Jax and Paige arrive back at their house, joining Hershel and Wade again, where all the equipment from the scorchnotes is laid out. Hershel hands Jax a large scorchnotes that he calls “Martha”. Paige asks what Martha is, and Jax shows her. Wade says that he’ll need to wire a relay to a terminal to be able to hack the palace security systems. Wade analyzes the Raven patrols, and sees that they are coming towards their house, drawn by the flare. Hershel says that Martha will take half an hour to burn, and the Reckoners prepare to fight to buy time. They use explosives to blow up the road, slowing the Ravens so that they don’t have to kill as many people in the tubes. The Ravens continue advancing anyway, and the Reckoners are forced to kill Ravens anyway, despite the deaths of the people in the tubes. Jax sees that the Ravens aren’t healing, and that their deaths are permanent.
Languish appears, saying he’d take his chances with them. More Ravens swarm towards them, and the two groups exchange heavy fire. The attacking Ravens realize that their healing no longer works, and about half of them flee. Amidst the heavy fire, Wade hands Jax and Paige a relay mechanism that they have to attach to a tower. They run through the fire of the Ravens, using the boomerang watches to get to the tower and attach the relay mechanism. Martha, revealed to be the tank from the Coop, rolls out of the house’s wreckage. Jax and Paige hurry inside the tank, which protects them from Raven fire as they drive toward Lifeforce’s palace.
=== Chapter 54 ===
The gang, riding Martha, approach Lifeforce's palace as the cold gets worse. Languish offers his help in exchange for the promise that the gang help him rescue Veera in return. The gang decides that Martha isn't suitable for the task of storming the palace - there are too many defenders - but Languish reveals that there is an unguarded entrance. The gang splits up, with Hershel and Wade staying behind to assault the front gates and hack, respectively, and Paige, Jax, and Languish going in to save Veera and kill Lifeforce.
=== Chapter 55 ===
Jax, Paige and Languish enter the undefended entrance in search of Veera. Paige andconfesses Jax confess theirher feelings tofor one anotherJax, then Languish finds Veera's cell. Jax recognises Veera as Lovestruck. Paige manages to talk him out of killing her, and they free her. Lifeforce makes an appearance, and he and Languish engage in a battle of powers: Languish dampening Lifeforce's healing abilities while simultaneously dampening the healing that Lifeforce gifted him. Ravens come and assist Lifeforce, and Page and Jax fight them off. Languish dies to an old injury and Lifeforce regains control of the city. Jax manages to use Boomerang and Shiloh to stab Lifeforce, but Lifeforce still has access to his healing. Lifeforce transfersuses hisWingflare’s woundspowers to Paige astrap Jax is trapped beneath a previously thrown steel door and begins transferring his wound to Paige. Jax realizes that Lifeforce's weakness is silver, preventing him from using either of his powers on Jax because of Dan’s silver class ring. Paige realizes that the hilt of Shiloh contains a motivator with a silver conduit made from the ring, and stabs the blade the rest of the way into Lifeforce's chest. Paige suddenly suffers from a wound which seems to comecame from the Raven initiation ceremony. Before dying, Lifeforce stabs a syringe into Paige and injects a serum into her.
=== Chapter 56 ===
Lux falls slowly drifts into the Gulf of Mexico. Paige does not die from her injury, theorizingand the others theorize that Lifeforce died before the injury could fully return. Hershel and Wade survive, and the whole ganggroup visits a surviving ice cream store. Paige abruptly faints, and the gang brings her to Doc Slush, a reckonerReckoner doctor based in Louisiana. Many of the Lux inhabitants decide to stay in Lux, not having many good alternatives. After several weeks, Paige has still not awakened, and Calamity vanishes from the sky.
== Epilogue ==
Paige wakes up toafter a two week coma, Jax by her bedside. She feels wrong, inand someis wayunable thatto isdetermine alienwhy, though she feels otherwise in perfect health. She has vicious, mean thoughts about Jax and other reckonersReckoners, and hears athe same voice in her head similar to the voicethat Lifeforce hashad been hearing in his. The voice calls her a blank canvas and promises to make a masterpiece out of her. The voice identifies itself as the demon who was living in Lifeforce: something other than man.
== Notes ==