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;Plot Summary
Dalinar examines the Honorblade that Kaladin obtained from Szeth. He tentatively touches the blade, which feels warm to the touch but doesn't scream. Dalinar probes the Stormfather for information about Honor and Odium and learns that Odium must follow certain rules since he's basically a force of nature. Dalinar asks if Honor's suggestion of asking Odium to provide a champion will work. Stormfather says it might work, and if man wins, it will buy them precious time. Dalinar reinserts the blade into the sewer and returns to his rooms, where Bridge Thirteen, his guard for the day, awaits. One member, [[Rial]], strikes up a conversation with Dalinar, hinting that he shouldn't have wandered off alone. He goes down to a level where his soldiers are training and offers to spar with [[Kelerand]], one of the ardent swordmasters. He stiffly refuses (due to Dalinar's heresy), and all the ardents but one leave. While Dalinar waits for a sparring partner, he converses with [[Zahel]], the only ardent to remain. He explains that they are torn between loyalty to their highprince and to God. Dalinar seeks out an opponent himself, too impatient to wait for Kelerand to return, and finds [[Aratin]]. They begin to wrestle, and the younger man easily gains the upper hand. Dalinar considers accessing the [[Thrill]] and even Stormlight, but eventually gives up when Navani shows up. He drinks some water and chastises himself for pushing the match too far, trying to come to grips with his age. Navani informs him that the Iriali queen is ready to talk now, and he insists on conversing with her there while he spars with the sword. He tosses a sword to [[Kadash]] and they spar while he dictates to Navani. They argue about religion. The queen says they are considering making a treaty with the Voidbringers. She also holds a grudge for Dalinar's stolen Shardplate. Kadash urges Dalinar to recant his claim that the Almighty is dead, appealing to tradition. Dalinar counters that just because something is tradition doesn't make it right. Dalinar ends the duel and Navani reports that the queen demands the Shardplate, even though her claim is tenuous because she isn't related to [[Evi]]. Dalinar realizes that he can now hear his former wife's name. More memories flood his mind, causing him to collapse.
Dalinar talks to the Stomfather while holding the Honorblade. He hides the blade in the sewer and then goes to the sparring grounds to wait for a meeting with the Iriali queen. He wrestles General Khal's second son. Navani interupts him telling that the Iriali queen is ready for the meeting. Dalinar decides to dual Kadash during the meeting. He argues with Kadash about tradition, telling him a story about his first sword master. The Iriali queen doesn't accept Dalinar's offer of an alliance. The meeting doesn't go well. The Iriali claims that Adolins shardplate was stolen from them. Navani mentions Dalinar's wife and Dalinar is able to hear it, Evi. He is able to remember her face.
{{anchor|Chapter 17}}
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