Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Juramentada»

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m (improve wording, etc. for a few chapters)
;Plot Summary
:''Six years ago''
[[Eshonai]] arrives at the docks of [[Kholinar]] and marvels at its beauty and size. She talks to [[Gitgeth]] about the [[Parshman]] slaves, whowhom he calls "rhythmless ones." They are only capable of trying to help and cannot even comprehend the invitation to join the celebration. Eshonai wanders off toward the palace and begins exploring. She peeks into a doorway and sees King [[Gavilar]]. A guard comes out and says that the king would like to speak to her. Gavilar dismisses the others in the room and he invites her to sit down. He shows her a [[fabrial]] and explains that they work by trapping [[spren]] in a gemheart. She is awed that the humans have made devices that mimic how they apply the forms. He believes that the world is stuck in a rut and needs a major conflict to progress. Eshonai is horrified that Gavilar wants to bring back the gods that their people abandoned long ago. He then gives her a dark yet glowing sphere, which he claims to hold a god, and tells her to give a message to the [[Council of Five]], to remember what they once were and "wake up." Eshonai runs from the room.
Eshonai is at the evening celebration, beating a drum, trying to lose herself in the rhythm. She has told the Five that Gavilar wants to bring back their gods, and that he has the knowledge to do it. [[Klade]] claims to have heard a voice leading him to an [[Szeth|assassin]], and the Five have agreed to have him kill the king. Eshonai weeps as she leaves the celebration.
;Plot Summary
Six days after arriving in [[Urithiru]], [[Dalinar]] revisits the very first vision he experienced. Having become a [[Knights Radiant|Knight Radiant]] by bonding the [[Stormfather]] himself, he can enter any of the visions at will and has enough control to not need to be tied down. He is on a cliff with the Almighty, viewing the ruins of [[Kholinar]] below. He asks him to transport him down to the rubble. He sees gouges on the stones as if made from claws. He concludes that Kholinar will not fall to the [[Everstorm]], but to something worse that will come after. Stormfather agrees. Dalinar is frustrated that the monarchs of the world will not unite with him despite the threat. A final wave of destruction closes the vision, and Dalinar insists on staying to watch. He sees a golden light and a dark figure with nine shadows. Stormfather identifies itthe shadows as the [[Unmade]], the spren of [[Odium]]. He comes out of the vision with [[Navani]] standing nearby. He knows he must unite the world before their enemy destroys it. Navani pledges to help despite their current situation, which is already desperate. A messenger comes and reports that [[Sadeas]] had been murdered.
{{anchor|Chapter 2}}
Dalinar rushes to the scene to prevent a fight between Sadeas's officers and the men of [[Bridge Four]], whowhom they accuse of murdering their master. Dalinar examines the body and notes that the blood is dried, so the murder took place some time ago. The soldiers claim that they have been looking for him and kept getting lost in the confusing corridors.
Dalinar's sons and some scribes arrive at the scene. His officer corps is severely depleted, so other [[Highprince|highprinces]] are there as well, including [[Sebarial]] and his mistress, [[Palona]]. She's the first to voice the opinion that Sadeas's death was actually beneficial since he was causing so much trouble. Dalinar leads the group outside and warns them of worse things to come and that they must lead the world against them. His ultimate goal is to unite the entire continent, something never done before. He appoints the highprinces that follow him to various positions in the kingdom. He orders [[Shallan]] and [[Renarin]] to practice their powers so they can lead the other Knights that come to them.
;Plot Summary
:''Thirty-four years ago''
Dalinar marches toward the enemy army through a burning field. He emerges from the smoke with his elite guard and ferociously attacks, causing some of the enemy to flee in terror. He drives through the spearmen and laughs as he kills. He feels invigorated but does not yet feel the [[Thrill]], so he seeks out a greater challenge. He sees a brightlord on a horse surrounded by an honor guard and attacks. He makes his way through and orders [[Jenin]] to shoot the horse. As Dalinar engages the crown prince, a strap on his shield breaks. His enemy gains the advantage and is about to finish him off, but the Thrill comes, giving him more strength and dexterity. He stabs his foe in the chest. Nearly dead, hethe man asks Dalinar why he had come for them. He doesn't know; he just goes where his brother [[Gavilar]] sends him in order to consolidate his reign. As he orders his men to take hostages in the village, an arrow slams into his shoulder. They see the assassin on a ridge above the town and ride up on horses, capturing him. Dalinar is amazed at his skill and recruits him into his own army, promising not to pillage the town. They ride back to the town, where the local highprince's and his officers' heads are displayed on spears as a result of Sadeas's executions. Sadeas is disappointed that he can't loot the town.
{{anchor|Chapter 4}}
Roshone orders the guards to attack Kaladin, but they note his obvious ability and hesitate. Kaladin regrets his juvenile action and apologizes, telling the guards to stand down. He then orders them into the library for a meeting, but Roshone asks why he should take orders from him. Kaladin whips out his [[Shardblade]], allowing his eyes to turn blue.
In the libaray, Kaladin finds out that the Parshmen transformed and then just left town. Kaladin wants to figure out where they went, so he asks for maps and a spanreed to communicate with Dalinar, giving Roshone several spheres for the "rental" of some horses since he's out of Stormlight. The soldiers go to the lady of the house ([[Laral]]) to ask for the maps. Kaladin warns Syl that he might need her again as a weapon, and she reassures him that it doesn't bother her. All of his weapons were "people" anyway. Kaladin brandishes his sword again for Roshone to emphasize that he's in charge. Despite Roshone's faults, he needs to help the people of [[Hearthstone]]. Roshone just slumps in his chair, but Laral arrives and pledges to lead the people. She looks quite different, more mature and practical. He says he wanted to come back to save her, but she says that she is happy with Roshone and resents Kaladin's judgment of him. She goes to set up the [[spanreed]] and wait for a reply, so Kaladin goes back to his parents. He starts helping his father tend the wounded. He is disappointed that Kaladin has become one of "them," a person who tries to solve problems with violence. He does acknowledge that the [[Voidbringers]] must be fought, but he wanted his son to be a surgeon, not a killer. Kaladin goes back to the library and notices that the spanreed is glowing with Stormlight; they collected some during the last unexpected [[highstorm]]. The spanreed starts writing words from Navani, much to the surprise of Laral. Dalinar asks for a status and Kaladin suggests he go looking for the Voidbringers because they just up and left without attacking. Dalinar agrees and tells him to take the spanreed with him to keep him up to date. He closes the conversation and goes to see his mother. She is holding a baby, Kaladin's new brother, [[Oroden]], which means ''child of peace''. Kaladin holds him and cries. Kaladin asks for any infused spheres and trades them two for one. He tells Lirin that he wants to take them away to safety, but he refuses; he is the town surgeon and is needed there. The others in the house overhear the conversation about the [[Desolation]] being here, so Kaladin puts on a display with Stormlight and promises that the [[Knights Radiant]] have returned and will not fail them. He flies off to a nearby town to get more infused spheres.
{{anchor|Chapter 8}}