Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Juramentada»

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m (→‎Chapter 88: Voices: editing, cuts for length)
(→‎Chapter 89: Damnation: added summary)
;Plot Summary
Adolin looks around at the strange landscape and the horrific creatures in the bead ocean and thinks he is in Damnation. Kaladin draws in Stormlight and goes airborne, trying desperately to get back to those he's trying to protect, but the spren feed on Stormlight, so they all start approaching the platform. Syl begs him to stop, and Kaladin drops back down. Azure explains to Adolin where they are, so Adolin starts to summon his blade. The spren with scratched out eyes starts screeching, so he abruptly stops. They feel a rumble beneath them, and a gargantuan spren, one of the Unborn, starts to rise from the depths. They decide to try to head for land, which here in Shadesmar would be the river nearby.
Shallan is uncertain what she can do, and Pattern tells her she can't soulcast here. But she can touch a bead and form its shape in the physical realm using other beads. She practices with a shield, which holds Pattern's weight, but she needs something bigger. She asks the others to help find something, so they all start feeling around, only Adolin can't sense anything. She finally finds the control building, forms it of beads using Stormlight, and tells the others to jump on the roof, just above the surface. Then she forms a door on the other side, which they crowd onto, then forms the building again on the other side. As they slowly make their way from the city, Syl realizes that the Oathgate spren have been corrupted. Shallan knows that Sja-anat has kept her word in trying to not kill them.
Adolin feels powerless. He sees that Kaladin is worse off and tries to encourage him. He is despondent that he was unable to protect his men and get them to stop fighting. Adolin manages to keep him talking as therapy even though Kaladin seems to know what he's doing. Adolin notices that Azure's hair is somehow losing its color, turning from black to gray. They finally reach the shore; everyone is exhausted. Kaladin wants to try to get back in the fight, but Adolin insists that they camp for the night. As he lays down on his makeshift bed, he realizes that he is now king.
{{anchor|Chapter 90}}
Editors, Keepers
