Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Juramentada»

3078 bytes añadidos ,  hace 5 años
→‎Chapter 115: The Wrong Passion: added summary, deleted Odium as point of view
m (→‎Chapter 114: The Cost: some trimming (or pruning?))
(→‎Chapter 115: The Wrong Passion: added summary, deleted Odium as point of view)
* [[Queen Fen]]
* [[Kmakl]]
* [[Odium]] (Point of view)
* [[Turash]]
* [[Azure]] (Mentioned Only)
;Plot Summary
Dalinar watches the Everstorm approach and then settle over the city. The enemy ships sail in with the storm and arrive uncontested, his armada having fled the storm. Amaram's troops flood into the space between the walls and the water while reinforcements are called from Urithiru. Dalinar wonders why Cultivation allowed his memories to return. What is the step he must now take? He picks up his copy of Way of Kings and heads out into the city.
Shallan is flanked by Adolin and Kaladin as she looks upon the oathgate platform, guarded by Fused and a dark mass of red light. Adolin thinks that it's a trap, that Kaladin's vision was a deception. Kaladin insists that they try to break through anyway, as all the oathgates are probably guarded. Shallan has little hope that she can make the oathgate work even if they manage to get there.
Jasnah watches troops head to the oathgate, but she knows Thaylen City is lost. There is something else she must do first. She finds Renarin in a temple, kneeling alone. With him is a spren, its form different than the spren of a Truthwatcher. She summons her shardblade.
Venli goes on shore. One of the Fused hands her a sword in case she has to defend herself, for she is only here as an interpreter. One the groups of listeners is reluctant to attack their home; they are happy to be free, but they are not trained to be warriors. The Fused rejects their pleas to not fight. They visit other groups with similar reservations, but the Fused remains firm and encourages them to obey to gain forms of power. The listener troops form up awkwardly. Venli sees spirits of Fused arrive along with a huge mass of red smoke. Then she feels blistering heat and knows that Odium is coming. He manifests as a parshman with gold and white marbled skin.
Teft runs through the corridors trying to find some place to hide, somewhere to hide forever. His spren appears to him again, but he pushes past her and continues to run. He hears shouting and walks onto a balcony. Listeners flood through the oathgate from Kholinar.
Navani rushes to Fen on the city wall. She assures Fen that they can still defend the city with Amaram's troops. The ground starts shaking and a stone monster rises from the ground.
Venli watches as the souls of the thunderclasts meld into the ground. She sees, in the Cognitive Realm, another force off shore. The Fused bow to Odium, so Venli quickly follows suit. [[Turash]], the sane Fused that Venli had been interpreting for, expresses doubt to Odium about their army, but Odium replies that they have only come to watch. The red power enters the Physical Realm and she feels the Thrill.
Kaladin watches the red mass vanish and many of the other Fused as well. Only six remain to guard the oathgate.
Venli watches as the red power enters Amaram's army. Their eyes start glowing red. Odium tells them to exact revenge on Dalinar for the death of Sadeas. Bonded with the Thrill, they turn and attack the city.
{{anchor|Chapter 116}}
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