Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Firefight»

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=== Chapter 49 ===
David shoots Obliteration while holding onto him, and they both teleport into a dark windowless room. David grabs Obliteration's eyeglasses and backs away as Obliteration draws his sword. David asks about Obliteration's nightmares which gives the Epic pause, and he asks how David knows about the nightmares. David explains his nightmare theory, and Obliteration gets a revelation from this and thanks David for the secret, and tells David to say hi to Regalia, then teleports out. David leaves the room to explore the building that he is in, and finds old posters including one with a band's name and a picture of hands holding a glowing fruit. David finds a room with two hospital beds, one with a sleeping
man hooked up to tubes and the other with an older woman, Regalia, watching some monitors. A doctor who was examining the man sees David and leaves. One of the monitors displays Prof, Val and Exel in a glowing room. David says that Obliteration brought him there and that he figured out how Obliteration was getting orders from her to find him. Regalia says she is very sick and that her powers can't save her. David figures out the sleeping man is Dawnslight, and Regalia says she doesn't understand why Calamity granted powers to a man who was comatose since his childhood, and who has turned Babilar into his dream. Regalia says she has cancer and weeks to live, and David asks why she cares about Prof. The monitor shows a device and Regalia explains that other Epics can gift their powers, and David realizes the device is a bomb made from Obliteration's DNA. Regalia says David assumed wrong about her plans for Prof, and detonates the bomb remotely. The bomb blows up but the explosion is contained by Prof who uses a forcefield on it, though he had to expend a great amount of power to do so. Regalia then explains that she wanted a successor.
=== Chapter 50 ===