Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Elantris»

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(added links to sample chapters)
(added links to annotations)
*[[bws: elantris-prologue|Prologue]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-introduction/|Introduction Annotation]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-title page/|Title Page Annotation]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-dedication/|Dedication Annotation]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-acknowledgements/|Acknowledgements Annotation]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-prologue/|Prologue Annotation]]
== Part One: The Shadow of Elantris ==
*[[bws: elantris-chapter-one|Chapter 1]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-1|Chapter 1 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 2 ===
*[[bws: elantris-chapter-two|Chapter 2]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-2|Chapter 2 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 3 ===
*[[bws: elantris-chapter-three|Chapter 3]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-3|Chapter 3 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 4 ===
Galladon also speaks of his unending hunger, which he has been able to persevere through during his months of living in the city, but which he thinks will eventually overwhelm him. Galladon educates Raoden on the geography and factions of Elantris, and different food sources that have been discovered.
Raoden and Galladon traverse a great distance across the city to the market area to survey Shaor's domain, walking slowly and carefully to avoid any hurts, passing many [[hoed]] who act as constant reminders of the cost of carelessness. Raoden daydreams of his former life and friends and would-be [[Sarene|wife]], and speculates about the changes to Elantris since the Reod. Raoden and Galladon also tour the University and Palace areas, which are controlled by Karata and Aanden. Raoden spots a well that draws water from the underground [[Aredel River]], which Galladon speculates was used for religious purposes, since wells were not required in Elantris due to the presence of plumbing. Raoden spies a [[seon]] wandering aimlessly, which is a common sight in Elantris since any seon bonded to an Elantrian loses its sanity, and he thinks about his own [[Ien]]. Raoden and Galladon take shelter from rain in Galladon's hidden lair, which to Raoden's delight contains a collection of books. Galladon reveals that he can draw [[Aon]]s.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-4|Chapter 4 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 5 ===
At Kiin's castle-like home, they are greeted by Kiin's wife [[Daora]], their children [[Kaise]] and [[Daorn]], and Daora's children [[Lukel]] and [[Adien]], and Lukel's wife [[Jalla]]. Over dinner, they discuss the Reod, the fall of the Arelish government, and the changes to Elantris, and how the servants revolted against the Elantrians. Sarene talks of her Seon, Ashe, and how Ashe had been passed down to her from her mother.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-5|Chapter 5 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 6 ===
Hrathen and Dilaf visit the boundary wall of Elantris, then return to the Derethi chapel where Hrathen explains his strategy of using the fallen Elantrians as scapegoats by denouncing them as the evil [[Svrakiss]], the souls of the dead who hate Jaddeth, and then unifying the Arelish in hatred of Elantris.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-6|Chapter 6 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 7 ===
Raoden adopts the alias of Spirit, which is the translation of the aon Rao. Mareshe recognizes Raoden but Raoden denies that Mareshe ever saw him previously.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-7|Chapter 7 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 8 ===
Sarene then discusses the Elantrians who loiter in the courtyard, who Kaise states are neglected and who she describes as dead. Sarene notes two Elantrians that don't seem to have given into despair like the others that they observe, and by the descriptions they are Raoden and Galladon, but she doesn't realize their identities.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-8|Chapter 8 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 9 ===
Hrathen and Dilaf go to a meeting at an inn to form an alliance with some Arelish aristocrats, mostly minor nobles but also including the powerful Duke [[Telrii]], talking of recent conquests of the Fjordell Empire, and promising power in exchange for the nobles converting to Shu-Dereth. Hrathen explains that many Arelish believe that the Elantrians will return to power and that this belief undermines Iadon's and the nobles' authority. Hrathen speaks vaguely so that he can maintain plausible deniability in the event that one of the nobles accuses Hrathen of insurgence against the government. [[Waren]] muses that it will be a lengthy process to establish Shu-Dereth in Arelon, but Hrathen counters that the Jesker Mysteries were banished from the Duladel Republic in a very short time span and that the Elantrians fell from power suddenly as well, and that Shu-Korath has been in great decline and is now followed in only two nations, Arelon and Teod.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-9|Chapter 9 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 10 ===
Raoden encounters Ien, who reflexively reacts to Raoden's raised hand by approaching him, but the Seon shows no other signs of recognizing its former master.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-10|Chapter 10 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 11 ===
After the main gathering ends, Roial and Kiin discuss how impressed they are with Sarene and how she can take Raoden's place as a unifying force for their cabal. Sarene raises the uncomfortable notion that Iadon had Raoden killed and covered it up, and the others agree that this avenue is worth discreetly investigating. Sarene says that she will use her Seon to look for evidence of Raoden either still being alive but imprisoned or having died under suspicious circumstances. Sarene is currently using Ashe to explore Elantris, since she want to investigate Hrathen, who has shown curiosity in Elantris, and who Sarene believes is very dangerous and was involved in the collapse of the Duladel Republic.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-11|Chapter 11 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 12 ===
In the privacy of his office, Hrathen reveals that he has a seon locked away and hidden and uses it to communicate with Wyrn, who has his own seon, regarding a plot involving Telrii.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-12|Chapter 12 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 13 ===
Raoden returns to the chapel, giving a sword he took from the palace guard to Saolin, and telling Galladon of their new alliance with Karata's gang.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-13|Chapter 13 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 14 ===
Upon return to the palace, Sarene learns about an intrusion in the kings chambers earlier in the evening.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-14|Chapter 14 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 15 ===
Hrathen finds out about the Elantrians who had entered the city, and bribes a guard captain to secretly bring the next Elantrian intruder to his office instead of Elantris.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-15|Chapter 15 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 16 ===
Many of Karata's followers, led by [[Dashe]], leave the chapel to attack Aanden's group due to reports that Aanden's followers are planning to attack the Elantrian children under Karata's protection. Raoden accompanies the assault squad and manages to convince both groups to stand down by confronting Aanden and showing him the beautiful sculptures beneath the dirt and grime and reminding him that he was once a great sculptor. Raoden also speaks of the Elantrian's "freedom" from base physical needs like food, clothing and shelter, liberating them to focus on higher callings like art. Taan agrees, and joins Raoden's group.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-16|Chapter 16 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 17 ===
Ashe tells Sarene of Hrathen's frequent patrols of the Elantrian city wall, and Sarene ponders how to thwart the gyorn's unknown intentions. Sarene contacts her father Eventeo and they discuss how grim affairs are becoming in both Teod and Arelon, but Sarene refuses to return to Teod so that she can serve a useful purpose. Eventeo states that if Arelon falls that he would surrender to the Fjorden rather than be conquered. Eventeo reveals that Iadon's merchant ships are being sunk at the behest of the Wyrn, reducing his net worth and threatening his grip on the throne. Sarene realizes this would make it easier to replace the king, and reluctantly decides to take his side in opposition to Hrathen. After their conversation, Sarene feels anxious and has a hard time falling asleep, and is awake to hear some odd noises coming from the walls around her chambers.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-17|Chapter 17 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 18 ===
Hrathen contacts [[Forton]], a subject of [[Hrovell]], who has performed various services for the gyorn in the past, and asks that he create a special elixir and deliver it to him in Arelon as quickly as possible.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-18|Chapter 18 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 19 ===
Raoden studies a tome that contains advanced case studies in AonDor that mostly describe unintended effects. Galladon explains to Raoden that Dor is an unseen force and a central concept in the Jesker religion. Raoden infers that Dor is still partially working, allowing Elantrians to live without consuming food by providing energy to them, and that if they fix AonDor, it will fix Elantris and the Elantrians. He also deduces a link between the Arelenes, the land of Arelon, and Dor, due to geographic restrictions on the function of AonDor.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-19|Chapter 19 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 20 ===
Sarene wakes up very late due to noise from the walls, and makes a note that this is the fourth time she has observed this, twice on MaeDal and twice on OpeDal, and all instances taking place at eleven o'clock at night. She speculates that there must be a hidden passage inside the walls leading to the King's chambers, and that Iadon is using the passage for some unknown purpose.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-20|Chapter 20 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 21 ===
Hrathen encounters Omin while at the Elantris wall, and Omin confronts Hrathen about the fact he doesn't practice what he preaches regarding his hatred of the Elantrians. Omin lectures Hrathen about truth vs. belief. Omin also praises Hrathen's logic and determination but questions his faith, and leaves Hrathen to his thoughts and doubts.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-21|Chapter 21 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 22 ===
Sarene demands to speak to Aanden, Karata, and Shaor. Raoden plans to parlay with Sarene.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-22|Chapter 22 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 23 ===
Sarene tells Ashe about her suspicions regarding Spirit, and tells her seon to spy on him, since their intelligence may be out of date, and to also inquire about the alleged treaty between Aanden and Karata. Sarene ponders the discrepancies between what Ashe witnessed and what she saw, and about whether Spirit's apparent concern for the welfare of the Elantrians was genuine, and why he seemed concerned with Sarene's opinion of him. Sarene also grows preoccupied with thoughts of Spirit and almost grows to like him.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-23|Chapter 23 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 24 ===
Back at his chapel, Hrathen overhears comments by Dilaf that cause him to suspect that Dilaf is older than he appears, and more seasoned than he lets on. He grows increasingly concerned over how much influence Dilaf actually has currently. He also ponders his faltering faith as Omin had, and questions his true purpose in Kae above and beyond his obedience to Wyrn.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-24|Chapter 24 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 25 ===
Raoden asks to be given the same treatment when he becomes Hoed.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-25|Chapter 25 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 26 ===
Daora believes that Sarene harbors romantic feelings for Shuden, which Sarene denies.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-26|Chapter 26 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 27 ===
Hrathen's supplications are interrupted by a priest who delivers the package that was requested from the apothecary Forton. Hrathen was planning to poison Dilaf with the contents of the vials within, but changes his mind and ingests the poison himself.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-27|Chapter 27 Annotation]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-part-one-wrap-up|Part 1 Wrap-up]]
== Part 2: The Call of Elantris ==
The city gates reopen.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-28|Chapter 28 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 29 ===
Shuden arrives at the house, bearing news of a newly transformed [[Hrathen|Elantrian]].
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-29|Chapter 29 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 30 ===
Discarding his food offering, he kneels in the entry courtyard and loudly beseeches Jaddeth in prayer.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-30|Chapter 30 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 31 ===
Raoden and Galladon decide to take a risk and infiltrate Shaor's territory to try to bribe her followers to abandon her by delivering their own offering of uncooked grain. After a few hours, one of her followers shows up at the chapel with some of the grain, and Raoden welcomes him and offers him the means to cook his own food since the uncooked grain is barely edible.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-31|Chapter 31 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 32 ===
Ashe reveals that he had summoned assistance before they left the party. This incident puts Telrii in a good position to take the throne since Iadon was imprisoned, but Sarene decides to try to keep that from happening.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-32|Chapter 32 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 33 ===
Hrathen watches the eclipse, growing weak from hunger and thirst after three days of prayer. He contemplates the nature worship of Jesker as he watches the moon vanish, and decides to accept the fact that his worship of Jaddeth is ordained to be of a logical rather than emotional nature. He eats his food offering to keep up his strength since he doesn't know how long he will need to stay in Elantris.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-33|Chapter 33 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 34 ===
Dashe informs Raoden that Hrathen's transformation is reversed.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-34|Chapter 34 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 35 ===
Sarene learns that the city guard has joined forces with Telrii. Shuden suggests their best plan of action is to have Sarene marry Roial to combine their wealth, which would be sufficient to promote Roial's claim to the throne over Telrii's. Sarene and Roial accede to this plan, and discuss the consequences and contingencies of putting it in motion. Sarene and Roial learn that Hrathen has been cured of his condition and departed Elantris to return to Kae.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-35|Chapter 35 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 36 ===
Hrathen summons [[Dothgen]], a [[Rathbore Monastery]] trained assassin, for a secret purpose.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-36|Chapter 36 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 37 ===
Raoden suffers an overwhelming wave of pain, and sensed a presence in the back of his mind that was trying to find an outlet for a vast amount of pressure buildup. Raoden lost consciousness briefly, and wakes to find Galladon and Karata. Raoden explains how the pain affects him in waves instead of being constant. Karata tells Raoden that he was glowing while unconscious and Raoden thinks that the Dor was trying to use him as a channel. They discuss the possibility that Hrathen's healing was a fraud.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-37|Chapter 37 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 38 ===
Her wedding is disrupted as upon removal of her bridal veil it is discovered that she has undergone the Shaod.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-38|Chapter 38 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 39 ===
Hrathen watches as Sarene's wedding is canceled due to her transformation. He now has a five day window of opportunity before Sarene's temporary transformation wears off, since Roial's wedding won't be official due to Sarene's "death" and Telrii will be first in line for the throne because of this.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-39|Chapter 39 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 40 ===
Raoden and Galladon ponder why the city guards vanished from the Elantrian city wall. They try to find a way to get onto the wall to place scouts there, but decide to put off that plan due to a new arrival in Elantris, and go to the courtyard as a welcoming committee. The new arrival is Sarene, who isn't happy to speak to Raoden after his deception. Raoden convinces her to give him a second chance and offers his hand which she hesitantly accepts.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-40|Chapter 40 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 41 ===
Ashe locates Sarene, saying that he has been searching for her for two days, and that he is unaffected by her transformation. Sarene tells Ashe how Spirit has changed New Elantris for the better, and Ashe advises Sarene of events in Kae. Sarene communicates with Eventeo through Ashe, and tells him not to do anything drastic to endanger the relationship between Teod and Arelon, though Telrii might make that a moot point if he takes power and allies with the Fjordell Empire.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-41|Chapter 41 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 42 ===
Hrathen regains control over the Derethi chapel, using newfound confidence to assert his authority over Dilaf. Dilaf still asserts his hatred for Elantris, despite Hrathen's insistence that the Elantrians don't serve any more purpose in their plans. Hrathen feels confident that Arelon will be taken without a bloody revolution and turns his thoughts to Teod.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-42|Chapter 42 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 43 ===
Spirit presses for information on current events, and Sarene complies, starting with Iadon's suicide, startling Spirit.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-43|Chapter 43 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 44 ===
Spirit presses Sarene on how she had legal standing to marry Roial when that would violate her marraige contract with Raoden, and she counters that it was a political arrangement that dissolved with Iadon's death, and that marrying Roial would provide better for Arelon's future. Spirit is dismayed by this statement. Spirit wishes they were able to contact the outside, and Sarene reveals Ashe, and sends him to the outside to spy and report if Telrii assumes the throne. Ashe returns and advises them that Telrii is now King.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-44|Chapter 44 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 45 ===
Eventeo's seon finds Hrathen and opens a communication channel so they can parlay. Eventeo offers to convert to Shu-Dereth if Jaddeth heals Sarene of her transformation as he healed Hrathen, and Hrathen says he will do what he can.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-45|Chapter 45 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 46 ===
As Spirit ponders this revelation, Sarene's appearance reverts to her usual self. Raoden deduces that the transformation was a fraud somehow perpetrated by Hrathen. Sarene reluctantly leaves Elantris at Spirit's behest, as he states she can assist them better from Kae.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-46-1|Chapter 46 Annotation part 1]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-46-2|Chapter 46 Annotation part 2]]
=== Chapter 47 ===
Sarene returns to Kiin's manor, and they have dinner and discuss whether and how they can continue to oppose the Derethi despite Telrii taking the throne. Sarene moves into Kiin's house. Sarene verifies that Eventeo vowed to convert to Derethi and vows to herself to protect Arelon from the same fate.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-47|Chapter 47 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 48 ===
Hrathen is frustrated to have to wait for an audience with King Telrii but is eventually summoned to the newly redecorated throne room. Telrii discards any promises previously made to convert to Shu-Dereth, and reveals that he will convert as long as he is raised to the rank of gyorn, so that he doesn't have to suffer because of low rank. Telrii states that he has already sent a messenger with these demands to Wyrn, and dismisses Hrathen.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-48|Chapter 48 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 49 ===
Raoden does find a practical aon, Shao, that allows him to create an illusion around him of a healthy human, to make it possible for them to leave Elantris.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-49-1|Chapter 49 Annotation part 1]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-49-2|Chapter 49 Annotation part 2]]
=== Chapter 50 ===
Sarene and her ladies group continue their fencing sessions at Roial's gardens. Their exercise is interrupted by the arrival of two exiled Dulas, a noble named Kaloo and his servant. Kaloo flatters Sarene, and tells of his circumstances to Roial. Sarene believes that Kaloo is an impostor and tries to shatter his ruse by dueling him at fencing, but doesn't learn anything to back her suspicions.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-50|Chapter 50 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 51 ===
Hrathen sees an arteth in one of the merchant stalls and investigates, and encounters Dilaf, who taunts Hrathen with his failures regarding Telrii, and says that his victory is sweet in the face of the gyorn's failure, but gives no further explanation and leaves.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-51|Chapter 51 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 52 ===
Raoden smears some brown makeup on a cloth and tells Galladon that it is for an unhoped-for contingency.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-52|Chapter 52 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 53 ===
Raoden tries to heal Roial's wounds but fails, and the duke passes away. The nobles welcome Raoden back.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-53-1|Chapter 53 Annotation part 1]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-53-2|Chapter 53 Annotation part 2]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-53-3|Chapter 53 Annotation part 3]]
=== Chapter 54 ===
Hrathen goes to confront Telrii but is made to wait. Hrathen then witnesses as Eondel's guards launch an attack on the throne room, and Eondel slays Telrii in revenge for Roial before succumbing to his own wounds.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-54|Chapter 54 Annotation]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-part-two-wrap-up|Part 2 Wrap-up]]
== Part 3: The Spirit of Elantris ==
Drawing [[Aon#Nae|Aon Nae]] they study the palace grounds together through the magnifying scope that particular Aon creates. Raoden is horrified to see to see the corpse of Eondel lying next to Telrii.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-55|Chapter 55 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 56 ===
Sarene explains to Raoden that the people of Arelon are ready to accept a man because he will lead them well. But even so he admits it might not have turned out the same had she not intervened. Questioning who Dilaf is, Raoden first lays suspicion on the Derethi priest about being the one who manipulated his Aon. Asking to borrow Ashe he sends the Seon into New Elantris to warn Galladon to be prepared.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-56|Chapter 56 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 57 ===
He's suspicious when Dilaf turns not towards the chapel but towards the centre of the city. Leading him to the market district Hrathen has time to pause before witnessing, with horror, the monks of Dakhor bursting out of the merchants tents in their twisted warrior forms.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-57|Chapter 57 Annotation]]
=== Chapter 58 ===
Hrathen confronts Dilaf about the massacre, angry that Dilaf's agenda is the annihilation of an entire nation he was set on teaching of [[Jaddeth]] and converting them. Dilaf asserts his authority as a gragdet - the leaders of the monasteries - and Hrathen recalls his own brief initiation into the Dakhor monastery.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-58-1|Chapter 58 Annotation part 1]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-58-2|Chapter 58 Annotation part 2]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-58-3|Chapter 58 Annotation part 3]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-58-4|Chapter 58 Annotation part 4]]
=== Chapter 59 ===
Almost as an after thought, Dilaf impales Raoden on his sword and leaves him muttering a Hoed mantra. Dilaf orders that the Elantrians be rounded up and burnt.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-59-1|Chapter 59 Annotation part 1]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-59-2|Chapter 59 Annotation part 2]]
=== Chapter 60 ===
Raoden's mind is assaulted by the vision of Aon Rao. Trying to suppress it another image forms, that of Elantris and the outer cities, and both images superimpose perfectly. His surprise awakens him as he struggles to regain control of his body, surprising Galladon and Karata with a sudden scream. Dropping him, Raoden staggers into the pool.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-60-1|Chapter 60 Annotation part 1]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-60-2|Chapter 60 Annotation part 2]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-60-3|Chapter 60 Annotation part 3]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-60-4|Chapter 60 Annotation part 4]]
=== Chapter 61 ===
At the foot of the mountain Raoden picks up a stick and draws a long line out behind him. Meanwhile, Galladon and Karata protect Raoden from Fjordell guards. In their efforts Galladon is lanced in the body and Karata beheaded, but Raoden finishes the line. Light explodes from the ground, and the power of the Dor washes away his pain. The city complex of Elantris and its outer cities is one big Aon that needed the chasm line to complete it. Raoden walks from the light anew, ordering the Fjordell soldiers to leave Arelon. All around Elantris the effects are felt and Elantrians emerge from the pyres unharmed. Raoden arrives, destroying one Dakhor monk and demanding that the other leave.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-61-1|Chapter 61 Annotation part 1]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-61-2|Chapter 61 Annotation part 2]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-61-3|Chapter 61 Annotation part 3]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-61-4|Chapter 61 Annotation part 4]]
=== Chapter 62 ===
Galladon arrives to report that the Teoish armada is holding out against the Fjordell.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-62-1|Chapter 62 Annotation part 1]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-62-2|Chapter 62 Annotation part 2]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-62-3|Chapter 62 Annotation part 3]]
=== Chapter 63 ===
The ceremony closes with Sarene hinting she's looking forward to the wedding night. Cheeky.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-chapter-63|Chapter 63 Annotation]]
== Epilogue ==
Sarene and Raoden gather with Shuden, Galladon, and Lukel's families for Hrathen's funeral. The gyorn Hrathen is buried alongside several other tombs, including those of Roial, Eondel, Karata, Iadon, and Saolin. The area containing these graves is to become a memorial to the victims and heroes of the [[Invasion of Arelon]] as well as the battles of Elantris and [[Battle of Teoin|Teoin]]. Sarene gives a short speech about Hrathen's contributions to the restoration of Elantris and the recent victories against Fjordell. She finishes by proclaiming that Hrathen should not be remembered as an enemy to Arelon, but as a savior and a hero.
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-epilogue|Epilogue Annotation]]
*[[bws: annotation-elantris-book-wrap-up|Book Wrap-up Annotation]]
== Postscript ==