Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:El aliento de los dioses»

== Chapter 34 ==
Lightsong feels slightly guilty as he watches the queen leave. He hadn't expected her reaction to his comment about the God King's death. He guesses that she is concerned about losing her status should the God King die. He returns to listening to the proceedings, with priests arguing for going to war. Blushweaver eventually comes over. She comments that soon they'll be voting for going to war. Lightsong asks if she's changed the Commands on Hopefinder's army, to which she nods. Blushweaver expresses annoyance at Allmother, who controls the final part quarter of the armies. Lightsong doesn't understand why the Goddess of matrons and families needs ten thousand Lifeless. He decides to go talk to Allmother about her codes, though Blushweaver reminds Lightsong that Allmother doesn't like him very much. To change topicthe subject after Blushweaver notices Lightsong observing Siri, he asks her about the tunnels beneath the Court of Gods.
Siri watches the court proceedings, feeling a little like Lightsong - it was frustrating to listen when she didn't have a say in the court, but still wanted to know what was happening. As she listens, she hears the priests discuss an Idrian agent who has been stiringstirring up trouble - purportedly a princess. Siri smiledsmiles, knowing neither of her sisters were the type to come and work as "Idrian agents". She couldn't imagine Vivenna having to become Susebron's bride. Her thoughts are interuptedinterrupted by Blushweaver, who accuses Siri of spoiling Lightsong and pulling him into her schemes. Blushweaver tells her that Lightsong is one of the last good people in the court, and that if Siri taints him, Blushweaver will destroy Siri. As Blushweaver leaves, she calls Siri a slut. Embarrassed, Siri flees to the palace.
Having returned to the palace, she decides to bath,bathe and prepare for the evening. While she is getting washed, Bluefingers comes in, having gotten her message about having vital information. She tells him she knows about what happens when a new God King takes the throne. This gets Bluefingers to tell her a bit about what he knows about the God King, and he tells her he's worried about the God King's life. She then tells him that she has been talking to the God King, but that it was the God King that told her to contact Bluefingers, being aware of the priest's plans to kill him. She makes a deal with Bluefingers to look after him should things turn out right, but otherwise, Bluefingers needs to get Susebron and her out of the palace. He agrees and leaves. Siri knows she's gained something but is not sure how to use it.
*[[bws: warbreaker-chapter-thirty-four|Chapter 34]]
Editors, Keepers
