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== History ==
Re-Shephir was created sometime during the [[Heraldic Epochs]], or perhaps before then, by [[Odium]]. Though originally, her sole purpose was to sow chaos and unrest among humans withthrough her creations, the [[Midnight Essence]]spawn, she eventually came to be intrigued by mankind, and began to mimic them.{{book ref|sa3|30}} Though it's uncertain whether she remained active between the [[Desolation]]s, herthe [[Midnight Essence]] remainedshe created aswere a constant threat.{{book ref|sa3|19}} Along with several other [[Unmade]], she was believed to have been destroyed in the [[Aharietiam]].{{epigraph ref|sa3|109}}
Unfortunately, that was not the case. At some point before the [[Recreance]], she infiltrated [[Urithiru]], and was subsequently captured and imprisoned by an unknown [[Lightweaver]].{{book ref|sa3|30}} Her appearance caused the inhabitants of the tower considerable distress, as the appearance of an Unmade withinentering the most sacred structure ofon [[Roshar]] cast doubts upon its security.{{epigraph ref|sa3|73}} After Urithiru was abandoned, Re-Shephir eventually broke out of her confinement; however, rather than depart, she chose to remain within the city, and took up residence in one of the chambers near the [[Urithiru gem archive]]. There, coilingshe coiled around a column of gemstones.{{book ref|sa3|29}}
[[Shallan Davar]] detected her presence within days of entering the tower, albeit she registered it only as a sense of unease that twisted her perception of Urithiru.{{book ref|sa3|22}} Re-Shephir, on the other hand, became active merealmost daysimmediately after the [[Alethkar|Alethi]] arrived. Her first confirmed action was killing [[Vedekar Perel]] in a way that mimicked the murder of [[Torol Sadeas]]{{book ref|sa3|9}} Later, she injured [[RockLunamor]] in the same way that Shallan had previously wounded another [[Unkalaki]], Ur. However, moments before the latter incident she'd accidentally revealed her presence to Shallan when she came out of the shadows to observe her play of [[The Girl Who Looked Up]], mingling with Shallan's illusory audience but not escaping quickly enough when they were dispelled.{{book ref|sa3|25}}
[[Bridge Four]], accompanied and led by Shallan and [[Adolin Kholin]], managed to track her down to her nest. There, she defended herself by summoning [[Midnight Essence]] in the forms of her attackers.{{book ref|sa3|29}} During the ensuing confrontation, Shallan managed to make direct contact with Re-Shephir. The [[Unmade]] initially attempted to displace the Lightweaver's bond with [[Pattern]] with herself; failing that, she was in turn attacked by Shallan and fled through an underground passage that led out of the tower.{{book ref|sa3|30}} The sensation of wrongness that had permeated Urithiru before evaporated after her departure.{{book ref|sa3|33}}
[[FILE:Midnight Mother 2.jpg|thumb|300px|left|<small> by [[Coppermind: Artists/Petar Penev|Petar Penev]]</small> Re-Shephir and the [[Midnight Essence]] ]]
Re-Shephir is capable of shapeshifting, including altering her size. She appears to have very little limitations inon what form she takes, and canis unburdened by the biology of the entities she copies, being able squeeze through tiny gaps that no human could fit through; however,even allin hera formshumanoid haveform. theThis being said, Re-Shephir retains her characteristic uniform, oily-black colour regardless of her current shape.{{book ref|sa3|25}}{{book ref|sa3|29}} She seems unable to mimic natural sounds; the only noises she's heard making are alien-sounding screeches when she feels threatened.{{book ref|sa3|30}}
She can create creaturesentities called [[Midnight Essence]] that look much like her. The Midnight Essence can take various formforms, both humanoid and beastly, but don't appear to share their mother's shapeshifting skillabilities. Apart from the colour and texture, Re-Shephir can make Midnight Essence resemble specific people she has seen - at least in appearance, as there is no indication that she can replicate voices or behaviour.{{book ref|sa3|29}} It's unclear whether Re-Shephir can command the Midnight Essence directly; however, her creations are universally hostile to humans and devoted to defending her, and can operate autonomously.{{book ref|sa3|29}}{{book ref|sa1|19}}
It's possible that Re-Shephir is capable of forming a [[Nahel bond]] with humans. She seems to have the capability to destroy a [[Knight Radiant]]'s [[spren]] bond and replace it with herself;. however, whetherWhether that would function in the same manner as a proper Nahel bond, or even function at all, is uncertain.{{book ref|sa3|30}}
== Trivia ==