Diferencia entre revisiones de «Rashek»

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== Quotes ==
{{quote|Let the executions begin.|The Lord Ruler, after killing [[Kelsier]].{{book ref|mb1|34}}}}
| Let the executions begin.
{{quote|Let the executions begin.|The Lord Ruler, after killing [[Kelsier]].{{book ref|mb1|34}}}}
{{quote|" My lord," Tevidian said, turning away from her. "Looklook outside your window! Do we not have better things to discuss? The entire city is in rebellion! Skaa torches light up the night, and they dare go out into the mists. They blaspheme in riots, attacking the keeps of the nobility!"
"Let| them," the Lord Ruler said in an uncaring voice.|[[Tevidian Tekiel|Tevidian]] andarguing against the Lord Ruler arguing about the skaa rebels{{book ref|mb1|36}}}}
"Let them," the Lord Ruler said in an uncaring voice.|[[Tevidian Tekiel|Tevidian]] and the Lord Ruler arguing about the skaa rebels{{book ref|mb1|36}}}}
{{quote|'''God''' cannot be killed. '''God''' cannot be overthrown. Your rebellion—you think I haven't seen its like before? You think I haven't destroyed entire armies on my own? What will it take before you people stop questioning? How many centuries must I prove myself before you '''idiot''' skaa see the truth? How many of you must I kill!|The Lord Ruler{{book ref|mb1|38}}}}
| The Lord Ruler{{book ref|mb1|38}}
{{quote|'''God''' cannot be killed. '''God''' cannot be overthrown. Your rebellion—you think I haven't seen its like before? You think I haven't destroyed entire armies on my own? What will it take before you people stop questioning? How many centuries must I prove myself before you '''idiot''' skaa see the truth? How many of you must I kill!|The Lord Ruler{{book ref|mb1|38}}}}
| You don't know what I do for mankind. I '''was''' your god, even if you couldn't see it. By killing me, you have doomed yourselves...
{{quote|You don't know what I do for mankind. I '''was''' your god, even if you couldn't see it. By killing me, you have doomed yourselves...|The Lord Ruler's final words{{book ref|mb1|38}}}}
== Trivia ==
40 275
