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|No cometí ningún error. Nunca he cometido ningún error. Sin embargo, es hora de cambiar.
|I did not make a mistake. I have never made a mistake. However, it is time for a change.
|Palabras de Rashek's wordstras afterla Lordmuerte Prelandel sumo prelado [[Tevidian Tekiel]]'s death.{{book ref|mb1|36}}
'''Rashek''' is a [[Terrisman]] from [[Scadrial]]. Known as the '''Lord Ruler''', the '''Sliver of Infinity''' and the '''Father''', he has access to the full range of abilities of both a [[Feruchemist]] and an [[Allomancer]], and has [[Hemalurgic]] spikes in his body. As a result, he is an extremely powerful [[Compounding|Compounder]], and he was able to unify much of the world into an empire that lasted for one thousand years.
== AppearanceApariencia andy PersonalityPersonalidad ==
{{image|Rashek movie concept.jpg|side=left|width=200px}}
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Rashek is incredibly tall and handsome. He has pale skin and has black hair. He wears black and white clothing that resembles an exaggerated nobleman's suit, with a coat that runs down to his feet and trails behind him and a black vest accented with white markings. He also wears several rings, both as show of his strength and as Feruchemical storage.{{book ref|mb1|34}}
Towards the end of his life he grew extremely weary of the world and appeared resigned in almost every interaction he had with others, likely due to his immense age rendering every experience trivial and taxing.{{wob ref|15290}} Rashek treated those who stood against him with disdain and was unconcerned when a rebellion was approaching his palace, instead finding it annoying that he would have to go through the trouble of killing hundreds of skaa personally.
== AttributesAtributos andy AbilitiesHabilidades ==
Rashek is born with the powers of a full Feruchemist. During the first Ascension he rebuilt himself to be an extremely powerful Mistborn. In addition to this, he has Hemalurgic spikes, charged with unknown attributes.{{wob ref|5865}} With a combination of all three Metallic Arts, he is able to Compound all sixteen metals and pull off his most impressive abilities. Rashek has used his metals enough to become nearly a [[savant]], if not a full savant, in every area.{{wob ref|4070}}{{wob ref|13393}}
Rashek has musical abilities and plays the flute.{{wob ref|3606}}
== HistoryHistoria ==
{{image|The Deepness by creativityinajar.jpg|side=right|width=300px|[[Vin]] flying in front of a stained-glass window depicting the Lord Ruler and the [[Deepness]]}}
=== Pre-AscensionAscensión ===
Rashek was part of a growing number of young Terris who had more violent attitudes than was seen as typical of their people. They believed that their Feruchemy should have been put to greater use than it was as a tool for simple labour. Alendi believed Rashek and his fellows to be dangerous, given the opportunity.{{epigraph ref|mb1|11}}
Rashek believed that [[Alendi]] was not the true [[Hero of Ages]], and was resentful of him.{{epigraph ref|mb1|21}} He thought that an outsider -- someone not pure Terris, as well as an oppressor of Terris -- could not be the Hero, and that Alendi had tricked the Terris philosophers.{{epigraph ref|mb1|27}}{{epigraph ref|mb2|50}} He led Alendi to the [[Well of Ascension]] and killed him, under instructions from his uncle, [[Kwaan]]. He was ignored by Ruin up until the moment he murdered Alendi.{{wob ref|5767}} He then took and used the power of [[Preservation]], ascending to become the Lord Ruler.
=== AscensionAscensión ===
As Rashek was using the power of the Well, he changed many aspects of life on Scadrial, in order to save the world from the Deepness. Many of his changes, however, created even more problems that needed to be addressed. He moved the planet closer to its sun in an attempt to burn the mists away. The new orbit was too close to the sun, and he created active volcanoes to produce large amounts of ash and smoke to cool down the world.{{epigraph ref|mb3|4}} The climate of ceaseless ashfalls required some mechanism to break down the ash, that the world did not suffocate on it, so Rashek altered the plantlife to be able to survive the ash and created microbes to break it down. However, that was still not enough to save humanity. Rashek altered the physiology of humans on Scadrial to be able to survive the ashfall.{{epigraph ref|mb3|5}}{{epigraph ref|mb3|15}}
{{image|Help from the Mists by Carlos C Diaz.jpg|side=left|width=250px|Fighting [[Vin]]}}
=== TheEl FinalImperio EmpireFinal ===
He formed the [[Final Empire]], partly as a means of revenge against the people he viewed as encroaching on Terris land,{{wob ref|10043}} and conquered the whole of the world. He was obsessed with order, and he subjugated all but ten foreign kings, whom he made [[Allomancy|Mistborn]] and allowed to rule over the masses.{{wob ref|8001}} In his early reign, he erased all knowledge of the religion of Terris. He also destroyed technologies that he considered dangerous, like gunpowder.{{epigraph ref|mb3|28}} He made use of both Allomantic and Feruchemical powers in order to Compound to keep himself alive. Rashek was also called ''Sliver of Infinity'' by the people of the Final Empire.{{book ref|mb1|4}}{{book ref|mb1|8}}{{book ref|mb1|10}} This was due to worldhoppers recognizing him as a Sliver.{{wob ref|13150}} Rashek formed the Steel Ministry, a religion that worshipped him as a god and banned all other religions. The followers of the religions who did not voluntarily dissolve were hunted down and destroyed. The last religion was destroyed about five hundred years after Rashek's Ascension.{{cite}}
Only a few years before the Well of Ascension was due to refill, [[Vin]] killed him using the power of the mists, after his own powerful steel push ripped her Hemalurgic [[Vin's earring|earring]] free, allowing her to access Preservation's power and use her newfound strength to remove his atium bracers. His death led to the [[Collapse]], and the end of the [[skaa rebellion]].{{book ref|mb1|35}}
=== TimeTiempo Inen theel CognitiveReino RealmCognitivo ===
|Solo falta un año. Qué cerca he estado. Podría haber rescatado de nuevo este planeta que tan poco lo merece.
|Only a year left. So close. I would have again ransomed this undeserving planet.
|Rashek toa Kelsier andy Leras{{msh ref|1|2}}
A [[Sliver]] of Preservation due to his time holding the power of the Well, Rashek did not immediately pass on to the [[Beyond]] after his death. Once his spirit manifested in the Cognitive Realm, he went to the location of the Well where he found Kelsier and the remnants of [[Leras]]. He spoke briefly to Kelsier, dismissing him and Leras as impotent annoyances. Rashek was annoyed that he had been killed before he had been able to collect the power of the Well a second time. Kelsier attempted to confront him about the source of his powers, while Rashek touched the power emanating from the Well, examining it before disdainfully stating that he would not remain behind in their company and departing for the Beyond.{{msh ref|1|2}}
== QuotesCitas ==
|Que empiecen las ejecuciones.
|Let the executions begin.
|Rashek, aftertras killingmatar a [[Kelsier]].{{book ref|mb1|34}}
|Mi señor, ¡mira por la ventana!¿No tenemos cosas mejores que discutir? ¡Toda la ciudad se ha rebelado! Las antorchas de los skaa iluminan la noche y se atreven a internarse en las brumas. ¡Blasfeman, se amotinan y atacan las fortalezas de los nobles!
|My lord, look outside your window! Do we not have better things to discuss? The entire city is in rebellion! Skaa torches light up the night, and they dare go out into the mists. They blaspheme in riots, attacking the keeps of the nobility!
|[[Tevidian Tekiel|Tevidian]] arguingdiscutiendo againstcon Rashek aboutsobre thela skaarebelión rebelsde skaa{{book ref|mb1|36}}
|No se puede matar a '''Dios'''. No se puede derrocar a '''Dios'''. Tu rebelión... ¿crees que no la he vito antes? ¿Crees que no he destruido ejércitos enteros yo solo? ¿Qué hace falta para que dejéis de dudar? ¿Cuántos siglos debo demostraros lo que soy antes de que los '''idiotas''' skaa veáis la verdad? ¿A cuántos he de matar?
|'''God''' cannot be killed. '''God''' cannot be overthrown. Your rebellion—you think I haven't seen its like before? You think I haven't destroyed entire armies on my own? What will it take before you people stop questioning? How many centuries must I prove myself before you '''idiot''' skaa see the truth? How many of you must I kill!
| Rashek{{book ref|mb1|38}}
|YouNo don'tsabéis knowlo whatque Ihago dopor forla mankindhumanidad. I '''wasEra''' yourvuestro goddios, evenaunque ifno youpudierais couldn't see itcomprenderlo. ByAl killing mematarme, you haveos doomedhabéis yourselvescondenado...
|Rashek'sÚltimas finalpalabras wordsde Rashek{{book ref|mb1|38}}
|Sufrió mucho bajo la mano de Ruina, pero era un buen hombre que tenía en el fondo intenciones honorables.
|He suffered much beneath Ruin's hand, but he was a good man, who ultimately had honorable intentions.
|[[Sazed]] onacerca Rashek'sde corruptionla bycorrupción de Rashek por [[Ruin]]. AUna notenota onen theel reversereverso ofde thela [[flowerimagen picturede flor|flor dibujada por Mare]] inen un alibro bookescrito writtenpor byél Sazedmismo aftertras hissu ascensionAscensión.{{book ref|mb3|epilogue}}
* There is a city in the [[Elendel Basin]] named [[Rashekin]], presumably named after him.
== NotesNotas ==
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{{Mistborn|Era 1}}
[[categorycategoría: SavantsSabios]]
[[categorycategoría: TwinbornNacidoble]]
