Diferencia entre revisiones de «Ranette»

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(Added Ranette's history section)
Ranette portrait.png |Ranette portrait by [[User:Therustyrobot]]
== History ==
=== The Roughs ===
Ranette used to live in the [[Roughs]] as a gunsmith and made [[Waxillium]] his Sterrions and Ambersair.{{book ref|aol|1}}{{book ref|aol|14}}
=== Elendel ===
Ranette moved to [[Elendel]] sometime before Waxillium's return due to the city providing access to electricity which the Roughs lacked. She has her workshop in the [[Elendel|Third Octant]].{{book ref|aol|10}}
Wax, [[Wayne]], and [[Marasi]] visit Ranette after Wax's study gets destroyed in an explosion. At first, she tries to chase them away by pointing a shotgun at them but decides to let them in after Wayne offers her the aluminum gun Wax had taken from the [[Vanishers]]. Once inside, Ranette starts working on pulling apart the gun and discovers it was made by a gunsmith called [[Nouxil]] who she had been corresponding with until his disappearance a year ago.{{book ref|aol|14}} Wax explains Ranette his need of a new gun but she refuses to give him anything. Wax then proceeds to explain how [[Miles Hundredlives]] has been trying to kill him and his companions. Ranette has hard time believing Miles would do that, but decides to lend Wax [[Vindication]] and [[hazekiller]] rounds for field testing after she hears Miles has been taking hostages whose lives are now in danger. She also lets Wax use a room in her house for planning and lends Marasi a rifle and a pair of trousers. {{book ref|aol|14}}
=== Dealing with Bleeder ===
Ranette sends Wax new equipment for testing purposes. The equipment package contains a tether, the first version of a grappling hook invention, she wants him to experiment with while jumping with [[Allomancy]]. {{book ref|sos|7}}
Wax sends Ranette a note via an errand boy asking her to make him a special bullet to take down a [[kandra]] named [[Bleeder]]. Within hours Ranette arrives to Govenor [[Replar Innate]]'s mansion to deliver the special bullet she made out of Wax's [[Pathian]] earring. She hands the bullet over to Wayne who later gives it to Wax. Ranette talks about the current situation of things with Wayne and seems very worried about the people gathering outside which makes Wayne go check things out and Ranette leaves. {{book ref|sos|19}}
=== Wayne's gift ===
Ranette is returning home after delivering Wax's new cords when she sees Wayne near her new residence where she had moved a few months ago. She notices the notebook Wayne had left at her door and demands him to explain. After Wayne's initial explanation she flips through the notebook and reads the words Wayne had written on the last page. She figures out he is finally giving up on the wish of dating her and moving on. Ranette smiles and thanks him. Wayne tries his luck one more time by asking Ranette about her girlfriend but she firmly rejects him again so he finally leaves. {{book ref|bom|4}}
== Powers & Abilities ==