Diferencia entre revisiones de «Ranette»

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;[[Hemalurgic]] Bullet: A bullet made from Wax's hemalurgic earring for use with Vindication.{{book ref|mb5|23}} It was used to give [[Bleeder]] a second spike so that [[Harmony]] could regain control of her. {{book ref|mb5|25}}
;Grappling Hook: A portable grappling hook. Given to Waxillium to field test, allowing the [[coinshot]] to pull himself towards a building he's veering away from. {{book ref|mb5|8}} It also serves as a makeshift weapon.{{book ref|mb5|11}}
;Cords: The third revision of the grappling hook. The cords are three metal balls wrapped in a cord which uncoils in to be used as a rope. An allomancer can push or pull hidden switches within allowing the hooks to engage and disengage at will.{{book ref|mb6|5}}
