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Habla el idioma Reshi, y es de voz suave cuando hay forasteros presentes. Parece una persona tranquila, pero puede ser contundente cuando es necesario. {{book ref|sa2|i|3}}
== AttributesAtributos andy Abilitieshabilidades ==
=== KingshipRealeza ===
Ral-na ises theel kingrey ofde Relu-na, aun [[Tai-na]] thedel tamaño sizede ofuna anisla islandque thatse slowlymueve moveslentamente aboutpor inel theMar Reshi Sea. AsComo the kingrey, anyonetoma whotodas wantslas toposesiones joinde thequienquiera islandmudarse permanently has to givea everythingla theyisla ownde toforma himpermanente. HisTiene commandsbajo aresu tomando bevarios obeyedguadias withouty questiontrabajadores, andque hedeben iscumplir directlysus servedórdenes bysin variouscuestionarlas. workersLos andsoldados guards.de Thela island'sisla soldiersestán arebien well-trainedentrenados, inen contraste con el estilo contrastde tovida theliberal carefreeque lifestyletienen enjoyedmuchos byde manylos ofque theresiden residentsallí. HeTambién alsodirige negotiatesel tradecomercio dealspara forotra the peoplegente, butpero usesusa hisa sonsu hijo [[Talik]] as an intermediarycomo andintermediario ane interpreterintérprete.{{book ref|sa2|i|3}} Ral-na istiene wellel respectedrespeto byde hissus subjects;súbditos, theytanto havepersonal fullcomo respectcon forrespecto a hissu authorityautoridad.{{book ref|sa2|i|3}} ItSe isdesconoce not known ifsi Ral-na inheritedheredó theel titletítulo ofde kingrey oro ifsi thelo Reshiobtuvo havepor someotros other method of successionmétodos.
Ral-na suele estar en la cima del caparazón de Relu-na, cerca de su cabeza y a cientos de metros de altura con respecto al agua.{{book ref|sa2|i|3}} Solo sale de la isla en circustancias excepcionales.{{book ref|sa3.5|1}}
Ral-na holds court at the top of Relu-na's shell near its head, hundreds of feet above the water.{{book ref|sa2|i|3}} He only leaves the island in truly extraordinary circumstances.{{book ref|sa3.5|1}} The king supervises offerings of fruit to Relu-na, who is worshipped as a god by its residents.{{book ref|sa2|i|3}} The Reshi people believe that they can communicate with their Tai-na, and each greatshell's will is the only authority that exceeds that of their kings.{{book ref|sa2|i|3}}{{book ref|sa3.5|1}} The Tai-na also provide the Reshi people with an unusually high level of knowledge regarding [[Aimia]] and [[larkin]].{{book ref|sa3|i|13}}{{book ref|sa3.5|1}}
