Diferencia entre revisiones de «Predicetormentas»

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== Percepción ==
|Ningún hombre debería intentar conocer el futuro, una prerrogativa reservada al Todopoderoso.
|No man should try to know the future, nor lay claim to it, for it belonged only to the Almighty himself.
|[[Dalinar]]{{book ref|sa1|60}}
Los [[vorin]] suelen encontrar a los predicetormentas extraños e incluso desagradables, ya que sus prácticas chocan directamente con dos de sus principales tabúes: la predicción del futuro (que utilizan para las tormentas y las estaciones) y la capacidad de leer y escribir de los hombres (en su caso, en su propia escritura basada en glifos). Al ser tan útiles, no obstante, son generalmente tolerados.{{book ref|sa1|60}} Es para eludir este último tabú para lo que los predicetormentas adaptaron los [[glifos]], creando una escritura propia que utilizan en sus cálculos y estudios. Afirman que tales prácticas son distintas a la lectura y la escritura, aunque muchos otros se muestran escépticos.{{book ref|sa2|52}}
[[Vorinism|Vorins]] tend to find stormwardens strange and distasteful, since their work brushes up against two distinct Vorin taboos: predicting the future (which they do for storms and seasons) and men being able to read and write (which they do with their glyph-based script). Because accurate highstorm predictions are so useful, however, people generally put up with them.{{book ref|sa1|60}} In order to skirt the latter taboo, stormwardens have adapted [[glyphs]] into a kind of script for use in their calculations and studies. They claim that doing so is different from true reading and writing, but many others remain skeptical.{{book ref|sa2|52}}
Cuando [[Hesina]] le sugiere a un joven [[Kaladin]] que podría dedicarse al oficio de predicetormentas, de forma instintiva reacciona con repugnancia, habiendo interiorizado ya la prohibición vorin de predecir el futuro. No obstante, sí le resulta atractivo aprender más sobre los misterios de su mundo, especialmente el estudio de los vientos (quizás apuntando ya hacia su futuro rol como [[Corredor del Viento]]. La propia Hesina no parece tener especial aversión por los predicetormentas.{{book ref|sa1|44}}
When [[Hesina]] suggests to a young [[Kaladin]] that he could become a stormwarden, he instinctively reacts with disgust, having already internalized the prohibition on predicting the future. However, he does find a certain appeal in understanding more about mysteries of the world -- and in studying the winds in particular, perhaps befitting his later role as a [[Windrunner]]. Hesina herself doesn't seem to have any particular aversion to stormwardens.{{book ref|sa1|44}}
[[Renarin]] also has an initial negative reaction to the idea of being a stormwarden, though his is based on a desire to please [[Dalinar Kholin|his father]], who he thinks wants him to be a fighter.{{book ref|sa3|37}} He later expresses an interest in the stormwardens and asks them about their work. [[Jasnah]] wishes to discourage him, however, since she sees them as charlatans.{{book ref|sa3|53}}
