Diferencia entre revisiones de «Plantilla:Skyward»

194 bytes añadidos ,  hace 5 años
Added the remaining characters of Skyward-Flight to the Template:Skyward, and changed the primary link to consistently use their real-name (if available). Callsign is used extensively in the book and so I added it in parenthesis where available.
m (deambiguate)
m (Added the remaining characters of Skyward-Flight to the Template:Skyward, and changed the primary link to consistently use their real-name (if available). Callsign is used extensively in the book and so I added it in parenthesis where available.)
| Characters
| [[Spensa Nightshade]] ([[Spin]]) · [[M-Bot]] · [[Rodge McCaffrey]] ([[Rigmarole]]) · [[Jorgen Weight]] ([[Jerkface]]) · [[Freyja]] ([[FM]]) · [[Kimmalyn]] ([[Quirk]]) · [[Nedd Strong]] ([[Nedders]]) · [[Hudiya]] ([[Hurl]]) · [[Cobb]] ([[Mongrel]]) · [[Judy Ivans]] ([[Ironsides]]) · [[Arturo Mendez]] ([[Amphisbaena]]) · [[Bim]] · [[Morningtide]]
