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The increased speed and endurance allows a Thug with a sufficient amount of pewter to perform a "pewter drag;" running at roughly the speed of a galloping horse for extended periods. However, this can require several days rest and sufficient food to replenish the Thug afterwards.{{book ref|mb1|26}}
Pewter can be dangerous when it runs out, which is a serious concern since it is the fastest-burning of the eight basic metals.{{book ref|mb1|5}} A Thug having just survived a deadly wound, or completed a pewter drag, can die from the resulting effects when the body runs out of pewter to burn. However, the body will naturally burn pewter in an attempt to heal itself, so even an unconscious Thug can be given additional pewter to survive otherwise life-threatening situations. If someone were able to burn the amount of Pewterpewter needed to become an Allomantic [[savant]] with the metal, they would be able to heal more quickly, though not as fast as someone tapping health from a goldmind.{{book ref|mb4|17}}
