Diferencia entre revisiones de «Peet»

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|image=Peet by Marie Seeberger.jpg
|abilities={{tag+|windrunner}}{{book ref|sa4|12}}
|groups={{tag|KnightsCaballeros RadiantRadiantes}} <small>([[OrderOrden ofde Windrunnerslos Corredores del Viento|WindrunnerCorredor del Viento]])</small>, {{tag|BridgePuente FourCuatro}}, {{tag+|army|Sadeas}} <small>(formerlyanteriormente)</small>, {{tag+|army|Kholin}}
|first appearedintroduced=[[TheEl camino Wayde oflos Kingsreyes]]
'''Peet''' ises aun membermiembro ofdel [[BridgePuente FourCuatro]] ony [[RosharCorredor del Viento]] and aen [[WindrunnerRoshar]].{{book ref|sa1|17}}{{book ref|sa4|12}}
== AppearanceApariencia andy Personalitypersonalidad ==
Peet ises leandelgado, andcalvo baldingy withde anrostro oval faceovalado.{{book ref|sa1|43}}{{book ref|sa2|46}} OthersOtros lo ven seecomo himuna aspersona quietlyde dependableconfianza.{{book ref|sa1|57}}
== AttributesAtributos andy Abilitieshabilidades ==
Peet isestá trainedentrenado inen theel useuso ofde thela spearlanza.{{book ref|sa1|43}} HeTambién ises alsoun aCorredor Windrunnerdel Viento, havinghabiendo swornjurado atal leastmenos theel [[ImmortalPalabras WordsInmortales#The FirstPrimer Ideal|FirstPrimer Ideal]] ofde thelos [[KnightsCaballeros RadiantRadiantes]]. ThisEsto allowsle himpermite to draw inabsorber [[Stormlightluz tormentosa]] andy useutilizar thelas [[SurgePotencia]]s ofde [[SurgebindingPotenciación#GravitationGravitación|GravitationGravitación]] andy [[SurgebindingPotenciación#AdhesionAdhesión|AdhesionAdhesión]].{{book ref|sa3|37}}{{book ref|sa3|55}}
== HistoryHistoria ==
=== BridgemanHombre del puente===
Peet wasfue oneuno ofde thelos membersmiembros ofdel BridgePuente FourCuatro whoque stubbornlyse resistedresistió Kaladin'sobstinadamente effortsa tolos esfuerzos de Kaladin takepor chargehacerse ofcargo thedel groupgrupo.{{book ref|sa1|27}} HeSin didembargo, however,ayudó assista Kaladin bytrayéndole fetchinguna acantimplora watergourdde foragua himmientras whilerealizaba heuna didcirugía somede basiccampo fieldbásica surgery ona [[Leyten]] onen auna bridgecarrera rundel puente.{{book ref|sa1|17}} HeÉl andy [[Narm]] wereresultaron woundedheridos inen oneuna ofde thelas firstprimeras bridgecarreras runsdel afterpuente tras la decisión de Kaladin's decisionde tosalvar saveal BridgePuente FourCuatro, addingsumándose toal thenúmero number ofde [[bridgemenhombres de los puentes]] from thede crewla whocuadrilla stillque neededaún foodnecesitaban butcomida drewpero no paycobraban.{{book ref|sa1|30}}
AfterCuando Kaladin healedse fromcuró hisde timesu inpaso thepor highstorm,la hetormenta, founddescubrió thatque Peet andy [[Hobber]] hadse bothhabían healedcurado enoughlo tosuficiente joincomo inpara againvolver witha carryingcargar thecon bridgeel puente. LaterMás tarde, thela crewcuadrilla gavele hizo un regalo a [[RockRoca]] aen giftagradecimiento inpor appreciationsu ofguiso his nightly stewnocturno, andy Peet pointedle outseñaló toque himademás thatde besidesla thenavaja razorhabía thereun weretrozo alsode aacero piecepulido ofa polishedmodo steelde forespejo, aun mirror,poco somede soap,jabón andy aun stropasentador forpara sharpeningafilarla.{{book ref|sa1|40}}
WhenCuando Brightlordel brillante señor [[Hashal]] replacedsustituyó a [[Lamaril]] ascomo captaincapitán overde thelos bridgemenhombres del puente, heasignó assignedal BridgePuente FourCuatro permanentlyde toforma chasmpermanente duty.al Peetservicio grewde worriedlos andabismos. askedPeet Kaladinse whatpreocupó theyy wouldpreguntó do,a notKaladin knowingqué thatharían, Kaladinsin himselfsaber wasque dealingel withpropio growingKaladin doubtstenía thatcada hevez wouldmás bedudas ablesobre tosi helppodría Bridgeayudar Foural atPuente allCuatro. LaterMás tarde, inen thelos chasmsabismos, Kaladin offeredse toofreció traina theentrenar bridgemena tolos usehombres adel spearpuente inen preparationel foruso ande eventualla escapelanza attemptcomo preparación para un futuro intento de huida, andy todo el thegrupo entireestuvo groupde agreedacuerdo tocon hissu plan.{{book ref|sa1|43}}
BridgeEl FourPuente trainedCuatro inse theentrenó chasmsen untillos theyabismos hadhasta rudimentaryadquirir skilluna asdestreza spearmenbásica andcomo usedlanceros they bridgeutilizó runslas tocarreras practicedel theirpuente methodpara ofpracticar usingsu método de utilizar el caparazón [[Parshendiparshendi]] carapacecomo asarmadura armorque thatatraería wouldla drawatención thedel enemy'senemigo attentionhacia tounos apocos hombres del selectpuente fewen bridgemenlugar insteadde ofhacia theel groupgrupo aten largegeneral. Peet andy theel restresto ofdel thePuente BridgeCuatro Fourparticiparon wenten onel theasalto jointconjunto assault betweenentre [[Dalinar]] andy [[Torol Sadeas]] thatque culminatedculminó inen thela [[Battlebatalla ofde thela TowerTorre]].{{book ref|sa1|64}} AfterTras Sadeas'la betrayaltraición de Sadeas, whencuando Kaladin noticednotó himque retreatingse retiraba, heles tolddijo Rocka andRoca y Peet toque takese thellevasen woundeda [[Teft]], andque estaba herido, helpy himlo alongayudasen.{{book ref|sa1|66}}
|—Padre Tormenta —susurró Peet—. ¿Qué..., qué es?
|“Stormfather,” Peet whispered. “What … what is he?”<br />
—Es nuestro jefe de puente —dijo Teft.
“He’s our bridgeleader,” Teft said.
|AfterDespués de que Kaladin swearsjure theel SecondSegundo Ideal{{book ref|sa1|68}}
BridgeEl FourPuente hadCuatro antuvo opportunityla tooportunidad escapede theescapar armydel withejército theircon bridgesu onpuente theen wayel fromcamino thedesde la [[TowerTorre (Roshar)|TowerTorre]] backde tovuelta theal warcampcampamento de guerra, butpero thetodos menlos allhombres wholeheartedlyapoyaron backedincondicionalmente la decisión de Kaladin's decisionde tovolver returna tola theTorre Towerpara toayudar aida Dalinar.{{book ref|sa1|67}} AfterDespués de que Kaladin spokepronunciase theel SecondSegundo Ideal ofde thelos [[WindrunnersCorredores del Viento]], Peet wasse stunnedquedó byatónito whatal hever saw ascómo Kaladin singlehandedlyse enfrentaba sin ayuda tooka onlos theparshendi Parshendien atel theextremo farmás endalejado ofde theirsu bridgepuente.{{book ref|sa1|68}}
Dalinar tradedintercambió a [[OathbringerJuramentada (Shardbladehoja esquirlada)|OathbringerJuramentada]] forpor thelas livesvidas ofde alltodos oflos Sadeas'hombres bridgemen,del bringingpuente themde overSadeas, tollevándolos hisa warcampsu andcampamento offeringde themguerra ay placeofreciéndoles inun hislugar armyen su ejército. ThatEsa nightnoche, aroundalrededor thedel firefuego, Kaladin showedmostró thea menlos hishombres abilitysu tocapacidad breathede inabsorber [[Stormlightluz tormentosa]] andy explainedles thatexplicó heque didn'tno knowsabía muchmucho aboutsobre hissus abilitieshabilidades. RockRoca suggestedsugirió throwingarrojar a Kaladin offpor aun cliffacantilado, andy Peet, missingperdiéndose thela humorgracia ofde Rock'sla novelforma waynovedosa tode getRoca Kaladinde tohacer manifestque hisKaladin powers,manifestase wantedsus topoderes, knowquiso whatsaber goodde thatqué wouldserviría doeso.{{book ref|sa1|73}}
=== FreedomLibertad ===
Peet and the rest of Bridge Four, accepting positions as Dalinar's guards, undertook the duties of guarding the Kholins and training the rest of the brigemen to turn them into soldiers.{{book ref|sa2|2}} As free men, they sometimes went out into the market on free evenings; Peet met a barmaid named [[Ka]] at the [[Ornery Chull]] during these trips and began showing interest in her.{{book ref|sa2|41}}{{book ref|sa2|46}}
Bridge Four accompanied Dalinar on his expedition to [[Stormseat]] that culminated in the [[Battle of Narak]] and the discovery of [[Urithiru]]. Peet was part of the group that went with [[Shallan]] to explore the plateau that turned out to be an [[Oathgate]] platform. He returned to Dalinar to tell him the Alethi armies needed to get onto that plateau to escape the converging [[Everstorm]] and [[highstorm]].{{book ref|sa2|85}} Shallan succeeded in transporting them all to Urithiru, after which Peet and the others of Bridge Four who had survived the battle returned to the [[Shattered Plains]] to await Kaladin's return from his fight with [[Szeth]].{{book ref|sa2|87}}
=== Escudero de los Corredores del Viento ===
=== Windrunner Squire ===
|Peet, don’t think I haven’t seen you glowing.
After defeating an invasion of Parshendi, the new full Windrunner Teft led Bridge Four and a division of Alethi soldiers through Urithiru's Oathgate into the middle of the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]].{{book ref|sa3|120}} Later, at [[Taravangian]]'s request during the post-battle efforts, Teft, Leyten, and Peet transported a twenty-foot square platform carrying the wounded towards the upper city.{{book ref|sa3|121}}
=== WindrunnerCorredor del Viento ===
Following the battle at Thaylen City, Peet bonded a spren of his own.{{book ref|sa4|12}} He likely participated in the evacuation of [[Hearthstone]] with his fellow Windrunners, engaging the [[Fused]] in combat, before returning to Urithiru.{{book ref|sa4|10}} Following Kaladin's retirement, Peet and a majority of the Bridge Four Windrunners joined Dalinar's forces on the battlefield in [[Emul]].{{book ref|sa4|23}} Following the occupation of Urithiru, Peet returned for Teft's funeral, along with the rest of Bridge Four.{{book ref|sa4|114}}
== TriviaCuriosidades ==
* Peet ises aun cameo forde [[Peter Ahlstrom]], ayudante y amigo de [[Brandon Sanderson]]'s assistant and friend.{{wob ref|11086}}{{wob ref|12956}}
== NotesNotas ==
<references /><!-- chapters:
sa1: 17, 21, 27, 30, 40, 43, 57, 66, 68, 73
[[Categoría:Hombres de los puentes]]
[[Category: Bridgemen]]