Diferencia entre revisiones de «Peet»

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(OB history; changed tag to complete)
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Sometime after vacating the warcamps in favor of Urithiru, Peet and Ka became betrothed. Sigzil, seeing that their impending marriage presented a deadline of sorts, brought up to Kaladin for the second time the issue of requisitioning housing for married members of Bridge Four.{{book ref|sa3|35}}
As he was one of the first members of Bridge Four to become a squire, Kaladin assigned Peet to teach a group of bridgemen how to breathe in Stormlight during a Windrunner squire recruiting session. Later that day, [[Hobber]] used some Stormlight to heal his legs, and [[Drehy]] and Peet were the first ones there to help him stand for the first time.{{book ref|sa3|37}} During another of the training sessions, Peet trained the ten newest squires, including [[Lyn]] and [[Colot]], leading them in practice with [[LashingsLashing]]s.{{book ref|sa3|55}} After Kaladin left on the expedition to [[Kholinar]], Dalinar lent Bridge Four [[Jezrien]]'s [[Honorblade]] so they could continue practicing with their Windrunner powers.{{book ref|sa3|64}}
Peet was with the group that accompanied Dalinar to [[Thaylen City]] to check on [[Amaram]]'s progress helping rebuild the city and to meet with Queen [[Fen]] and the other monarchs who had joined their coalition. After the [[Eila Stele]]'s translation was distributed to the coalition, Bridge Four left the city and returned to Urithiru. When they arrived back at the barracks, they discovered Rock and [[Bisig]] injured and unconscious in the barracks while [[Eth]], the one who had held the Honorblade that day, was dead. Peet tended to Bisig and suggested that Rock be treated by [[Renarin]]. Shortly after, Bisig regained consciousness enough to relate to them what had transpired.{{book ref|sa3|i|14}}
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