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|books=[[El archivo de las tormentas]]
'''Palona''' ises una [[herdaziano|herdaziana]] onde [[Roshar]]. AsAl theser longtimeamante mistress ofdel [[HighprinceAlto Príncipe]] [[Turinad Sebarial]], shedesde hace mucho tiempo, ises effectivelyun amiembro memberefectivo ofde thela nobilitynobleza ofde [[Alethkar]].{{book ref|sa2|40}}
== Apariencia y personalidad ==
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PalonaSe isdescribe describeda asPalona havingcon [[darkeyed|darkojos eyesoscuros]] andy thelas typicaltípicas rocklikeuñas crystalline fingernailscristalinas, ofparecidas a Herdazianrocas, de una herdaziana.{{book ref|sa2|40}} SheEs is shortbajita, middle-agedde mediana edad, andy hastiene dark,el curlycabello hairoscuro y rizado.{{book ref|sa2|40}}{{book ref|sa3|21}} SheHabla speakscon withacento a Herdazian accentherdaziano{{book ref|sa2|40}} andy se supone que presumablytiene hasel thetono typicalde deeppiel tanbronceado skincaracterístico ofde hersu peoplepueblo.{{book ref|sa1|32}}{{wob ref|3932}}
She is kind, although she is sometimes blunt.{{book ref|sa2|40}}{{book ref|sa3|2}} She can be thoughtful and considerate towards people she cares about.{{book ref|sa2|13}}{{book ref|sa3|21}}{{book ref|sa3|33}}