Diferencia entre revisiones de «Palafruta»

225 bytes añadidos ,  hace 3 años
updated for RoW
m (added chapters list since in one of them it isn't explicitly named)
(updated for RoW)
Etiqueta: status-change
'''Palafruit''' are a type of fruit found on [[Roshar]].{{book ref|sa1|27}}
Palafruit have pits, which are occasionally thrown at bridgemen by soldiers from the [[Alethi]] army.{{book ref|sa1|27}} They can stain clothes.{{book ref|sa4|22}}
[[Adolin Kholin]] feeds [[Gallant]] a palafruit before departing on the expedition to [[Lasting Integrity]], and gives him another one later in the journey.{{book ref|sa4|21}}{{book ref|sa4|22}}
== Notes ==
<references /><!--sa4: 21, 22 (not named, but Adolin gives one to Gallant)-->
