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[[en: Pai]]
|image=Pai by Dragontrill.jpg
|profession={{tag+|ardent}} of the Devotary of Denial
|died=ExecutedEjecutada en {{Rosharan date|1173|missing-date=y}}{{book ref|sa2|i|12}}
|books=[[TheEl Stormlightarchivo Archivede las tormentas]]
| Los fervorosos de la reina le dicen solo lo que quiere oír.
| We are sycophants. The queen's ardents tell her only what she wants to hear.
| Pai toa [[Lhan]]{{book ref|sa2|i|12}}
'''Pai''' ises anuna [[ardentVorinismo#fervor|fervorosa]] thatmiembro isdel aDevotario memberde ofla the Devotary of DenialNegación.{{book ref|sa2|i|12}} AFanática Vorin zealotvorin, Pai isestá willingdispuesta toa sacrificesacrificar anythingcualquier forcosa herpor causesu andcausa hasy becomese concernedha aboutpreocupado thepor Alethilas queen'srecientes recentacciones actionsde la reina [[Alezkar|alezi]]. La denuncia de Pai's denouncementcontra ofla thereina queeny andel thegobierno [[Alethialezi]] government led toprovocó hersu ownpropia executionejecución andy riotingdisturbios inen thelas streetscalles ofde [[Kholinar]].
== AppearanceApariencia andy PersonalityPersonalidad ==
| ¿Se preocupa alguien entre la élite alezi por el [[Todopoderoso]]? Claro, maldicen en su nombre. Cierto, hablan de los [[Heraldos]], queman glifoguardas. Pero ¿qué hacen? ¿Cambian sus vidas? ¿Escuchan [[Las Discusiones|los Argumentos]]? ¿Se transforman, rehaciendo sus almas en algo más grande, algo mejor?
| Does anyone among the Alethi elite care about the [[Almighty]] anymore? Sure, they curse by his name. Sure, they talk about the [[Herald]]s, burn glyphwards. But what do they do? Do they change their lives? Do they listen to [[the Arguments]]? Do they transform, recasting their souls into something greater, something better?
| Pai to Lhan{{book ref|sa2|i|12}}
Pai's appearance is unknown, but she is a young woman.{{book ref|sa2|i|12}} She often speaks softly or in a whisper.
Se desconoce el aspecto de Pai, pero es una mujer joven.{{book ref|sa2|i|12}} Suele hablar en voz baja o susurrando.
Pai has a huge amount of passion for her faith and the poor of Alethkar.{{book ref|sa2|i|12}} Pai wants people to work hard to transform their lives into something better by following Vorin teachings and listening to the ardents. She genuinely fears for the spiritual well-being of the lighteyes. She feels they do not truly believe in the Almighty. She does not know when they stopped acting in accordance with Vorin beliefs, and began to instead merely speak as if they were true believers. She also wonders whether or not the Hierocracy was acting in accordance with the Almighty's will, as he did not send his Heralds to stop the ardents. Pai believes there is something deeply wrong in Alethkar, although she is not sure precisely what is wrong. Pai is also a very strong advocate for the poor. She is deeply angered and disgusted by the excess and wastefulness of the lighteyes' lifestyles while the poor starve in the countryside.
Pai siente una enorme pasión por su fe y por los pobres de Alezkar.{{book ref|sa2|i|12}} Quiere que la gente se esfuerce por transformar su vida en algo mejor siguiendo las enseñanzas vorin y escuchando a los fervorosos. Teme de verdad por el bienestar espiritual de los ojos claros, y siente que no creen realmente en el Todopoderoso. No sabe cuándo dejaron de actuar de acuerdo con las creencias vorin, y empezaron a simplemente hablar como si fueran verdaderos creyentes. También se pregunta si la Hierocracia estaba actuando de acuerdo con la voluntad del Todopoderoso, ya que éste no envió a sus Heraldos a detener a los fervorosos. Pai cree que hay algo profundamente equivocado en Alezkar, aunque no está segura de qué es lo que está mal. Pai también es una gran defensora de los pobres. Se siente profundamente enfadada y asqueada por el exceso y el despilfarro del estilo de vida de los ojos claros mientras los pobres se mueren de hambre en el campo.
Pai is also a very disciplined young woman determined to live a simple lifestyle in accordance with her faith.{{book ref|sa2|i|12}} She has no desire for the luxuries and privileges enjoyed by the rest of the queen's ardents, and the very mention of their lifestyle angers her. Pai is stubborn and uncompromising in her beliefs, unwilling to abet the corruption at the heart of the Alethi monarchy, even if it allows her to help some of the poor and hungry. Her passion is such that she is absolutely unafraid of physical harm. Pai speaks her mind regardless of the consequences, openly condemning the government and the Alethi Throne, accepting that her words will lead to her own martyrdom.
Pai es también una joven muy disciplinada y decidida a llevar un estilo de vida sencillo de acuerdo con su fe.{{book ref|sa2|i|12}} No desea los lujos y privilegios que disfrutan el resto de los fervorosos de la reina, y la sola mención de su estilo de vida la enfurece. Pai es obstinada e inflexible en sus creencias, y no está dispuesta a consentir la corrupción en el corazón de la monarquía alezi, incluso si eso le permite ayudar a algunos de los pobres y hambrientos. Su pasión es tal que no teme en absoluto el daño físico. Pai dice lo que piensa sin importarle las consecuencias, condenando abiertamente al gobierno y al trono alezi, aceptando que sus palabras la llevarán al martirio.
== History ==
== HistoryHistoria ==
=== Early Life ===
Nothing of Pai's early history is known. It is uncertain when she joined the ardentia, but she chose the Devotary of Denial as her sect of Vorinism.{{book ref|sa2|i|12}} She began living a life of asceticism and abnegation around the year {{Rosharan date|1168}}, eating only simple meals of boiled [[tallew]] with the occasional piece of fruit on special occasions. Around the year {{Rosharan date|1172}}, Pai began serving as an ardent in the [[Alethi]] capital city, Kholinar. She requested with some persistence to be assigned to be a member of the retinue of the Alethi queen, [[Aesudan Kholin]], and after a year working in the city her request was granted in late {{Rosharan date|1173}}. Pai's superiors were worried that her zealotry and her principles of self-denial would cause trouble in the court. They asked [[Lhan]], another ardent already in the queen's retinue, to speak to her.
