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m (Added data about Stormform)
-->Found here is freedom from fear.
|19th stanza of the [[Song of Listing]]{{epigraph ref|sa2|15}}}}
Workform also endows significant physical strength, although without the armor of the warform; those in work formworkform also have thinner fingers. While in workform, the Parshendi find it difficult to commit violence and did not like confrontation.
-->True empathy, one must employ.
|5th stanza of the [[Song of Listing]]{{epigraph ref|sa2|14}}}}
Mateform is used for reproductive purposes. A few listeners maintain mating form constantly, although most enter it only briefly in order to reproduce with a partner; if these partners later entered war formwarform they became a warpair. It is a distracting form which makes productive work difficult.
-->It finds you and brings you to blight.
|final stanza of the [[Song of Listing]]{{epigraph ref|sa2|17}}}}
Dullform is an older form which was rarely used after the discovery of the newer forms. Those in dull formdullform are not very intelligent.
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