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If a gold Compounder draws health constantly, this can have several impacts. The Compounder would be immune to most sicknesses and would not experience sore muscles, headaches, or feelings of tiredness.{{book ref|mb4|15}} Even when there is nothing for the gold to heal, the Compounder can still feel a faint sense of extra energy from the health they are drawing. By drawing even more additional health, they can eliminate the need to breathe, as they are constantly healing the damage done to their cells from hypoxia.{{book ref|mb4|17}} Despite this, a gold Compounder cannot stop their heartbeat{{book ref|mb4|17}} or reverse the process of aging.{{book ref|mb4|11}} Constantly healing from wounds can also leave the Compounder invulnerable to pain.{{book ref|mb4|13}}
== History ==
During the [[Final Empire]], gold was classified as a higher metal along with atium. The majority of the [[Noble|nobility]] did not know that gold Mistings existed and believed gold was only accessible to [[Mistborn]], due to gold's high value and the Lord Rulers intentional misinformation that high metals do not have Mistings. After the [[Catacendre]], it was realized that the "high metal" classification was wrong, and gold is actually a temporal metal. Gold mistings, or Augurs, had also come to be known by people.
== Hemalurgic Use ==
When used as a Hemalurgic spike, gold steals Hybrid Feruchemical powers ([[cadmium]], [[bendalloy]], gold, and [[electrum]]).{{file ref| Hemalurgy table.jpg | Hemalurgy Table}}
== History ==
During the [[Final Empire]], gold was classified as a higher metal along with atium. The majority of the [[Noble|nobility]] did not know that gold Mistings existed and believed gold was only accessible to [[Mistborn]], due to gold's high value and the Lord Rulers intentional misinformation that high metals do not have Mistings. After the [[Catacendre]], it was realized that the "high metal" classification was wrong, and gold is actually a temporal metal. Gold mistings, or Augurs, had also come to be known by people.
== Notes ==
