Diferencia entre revisiones de «Odium»

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{{quote|Three of sixteen ruled, but now the Broken One reigns.|Way of Kings, epigraph 11.{{ref|b|twok|e|11}}}}
Odium may be the one referred to as the Broken One. This quote mirrors how the voice in the storm talked to [[Kaladin]] and said "Odium reigns".{{ref|b|twok|c|46}} The "sixteen" surely indicates the sixteen [[Shard]]s, and indeed there are three Shards on Roshar. However, it is peculiar that if three reigned, why is Odium (presumably one of the three) referred to so strangely as the "Broken One" here? It is possible to say that indeed Odium is one of the three mentioned rulers and as to why he is called the broken one it can be said that while Odium ruled along with the other two shards he was still solid and "whole" in the sense that he was of physical form, But as indicated by witWit he is more of a force than a living being so this Broken one status we can say is him becoming this force
===Shardic Future Sight===
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