Diferencia entre revisiones de «Odium»

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At some point after Ascending, Odium went after one of his fellow Shards, [[Ambition]], as he felt most threatened by her intent. However, before he could find her, he located two other Shards, [[Devotion]] and [[Dominion]], in the [[Selish system]].{{wob ref|1550}} Through means unknown, Odium killed and [[splinter]]ed them both. To prevent their remaining power from gaining intelligence of its own, he then pulled them out of the [[Spiritual Realm]] and into the [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive]], creating the [[Dor]] and causing [[Sel]]'s magic systems to become location-dependent.{{wob ref|1473}} This being said, he wasn't very experienced at the time, and his countermeasure failed as the Dor did, indeed, begin to gain a measure of sentience.{{au ref|Sel}}{{wob ref|9616}}
After creating the Dor, Odium went on to [[Threnodite system]], where he fought Ambition and [[Mercy]]{{epigraph ref |row|27}}, subsequently killing Ambition and its Vessel, [[Uli Da]]. While fighting, Ambition was dealt a grievous wound, and chunks of her power were flung into [[Threnody]], greatly affecting the system in ways not yet fully understood. The final splintering of Ambition took place beyond the system.{{au ref|Threnody}} Although Odium was successful in these initial conflicts, he was weakened by them.{{citebook ref|sa4|113}}
==== Battle with Honor ====
Somewhere around that time, Honor and Odium fought, the former with assistance from Cultivation.{{wob ref|2729}} Unlike other Shards, Honor prepared, and his particular nature as the Shard of binding allowed him to tie Odium to one of the system's planets, [[Braize]].{{wob ref|8560}} Honor additionally crafted the [[Oathpact]], which would use the Heralds to imprison Odium's forces on Braize along with their master.{{book ref|sa3|38}} Unfortunately for Honor, Odium was a much better fighter at this point, and [[Tanavast]] was killed,{{wob ref|8560}}{{book ref|sa1|75}} but not before inflicting a deep wound on Odium.{{citebook ref|sa4|113}}
=== Preparations ===
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