Diferencia entre revisiones de «Odium»

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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]],<br>[[Mistborn Era 2]]
{{quote| I am emotion incarnate. I am the soul of the spren and of men. I am lust, joy, hatred, anger, and exultation. I am glory and I am vice. I am the very thing that makes men men.| Odium speaking to [[Dalinar]]}}
| Odium speaking to [[Dalinar]]{{cite}}
'''Odium''' is a [[Shard|Shard of Adonalsium]], held by [[Rayse]].{{qa ref|700|7|He did however confirm that Rayse is Odium|date=May 31st, 2011}} The author of [[The Letter]] calls Odium the "most frightening and terrible of all the Shards."{{epigraph ref|sa1|19}} Odium had been on [[Roshar]], though arrived on Roshar later than its other two Shards, [[Honor]] and [[Cultivation]].{{qa ref|836|49|Is Odium native to Roshar?|date=Sep 22nd, 2012}} Currently Odium is settled on [[Braize]], one of the three [[Shardworld]]s in the solar system of [[Greater Roshar]], but his presence is still felt on Roshar.{{17s ref|topic|3934|Q&A at Spokane B&N|date=2013-08}}
== Notes ==
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