Diferencia entre revisiones de «Odium»

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(Edit to clarify that Cultivation was part of Odium's binding as well)
==== Contest of Champions ====
A year later, Odium brought Dalinar into a vision and agreed to set the terms of their contest. Although Odium's most important point was being able to leave Roshar--a restriction that Dalinar ''could'' have lifted, as the largest remnant of Honor's Investiture--Dalinar refused, deciding that since Honor had died to keep Odium in the system, that point would need to remain. At this point, Odium came very close to incinerating Dalinar, almost losing control of his Intent, but managed to keep his temper in check. After such points being raised as Odium's inability to stop the Fused from being reborn and Dalinar's inability to command the Radiants to follow Odium, they agreed that on the seventh day of the new month<!--I'm not sure if this specific bit is accurate-->, they would each appoint a champion, and their champions would fight atop Urithiru, unhindered by either side, until one was dead. If Dalinar won, Odium would retreat to the kingdoms that he controlled at the time for one thousand years, but would cede control of [[Herdaz]] to Dalinar so that he could keep his oath to the [[Mink]]. If Odium won, though, he personally would remain in the Roshar system, but would gain control of the kingdoms of the coalition--and Dalinar's soul, which would be turned into a [[Fused]] to begin Odium's forays throughout the cosmere.
A year later Odium brings Dalinar into a vision and agrees to set the terms of their contest{{expand}}
===Taravangian's Ascension===
Later that day, Taravangian managed to get Szeth and Rayse to come to him at the same time. When Rayse pulled him into a vision, Taravangian grabbed [[Nightblood]]'s Cognitive aspect and stabbed Rayse with it, killing him. While he had been doing this, Szeth had stabbed him with his belt knife, but just as he died, Taravangian Ascended to become Odium.{{book ref|sa4|113}} His previous [[Old Magic]] afflictions seemed to vanish as soon as he Ascended, giving him both emotion and intelligence in far greater amounts and he possessed all the power of the Shard. Taravangian realized that Rayse had been sliding towards oblivion for a very long time, as he had been severely weakened by his previous battles, especially against [[Honor]]; Rayse had been enslaved by the power he wielded.{{book ref|sa4|114}} Rayse's body appeared in the place of Taravangian's, although it was so damaged by Nightblood that Szeth was unable to tell the difference. Some time later, when [[Hoid]] was walking the hallways in Elhokar's palace, Taravangian confronted him. When he asked Hoid what he would have done in Taravangian's place, Hoid realized that there was a new Vessel, and was unable to hide his terror. Taravangian then destroyed the Breaths that he was using to contain the memories of their conversation, and redid the whole thing, this time pretending to be Rayse much more effectively.{{book ref|sa4|epilogue}}