Diferencia entre revisiones de «Odium»

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On [[Sel]], Odium's influence is omnipresent — literally so, as the [[Dor]], created by him in the aftermath of his murder of [[Devotion]] and [[Dominion]] suffused the entirety of the planet's [[Cognitive Realm]], fuelling the various magic systems. The [[seon]]s and [[skaze]], the [[splinter]]s of Devotion and Dominion respectively, also owe their existence to Odium's killing of their parent Shards.{{au ref|Sel}}
On [[Threnody]], Odium's battle with [[Ambition]] had vast ramifications for the entire system, though what exactly this entails is unclear. It's possible that the [[Evil]] that had taken over [[Homeland]], as well as the [[Shade]]s, is a side effect of the battle between the Shards.{{au ref|Threnody}} Harmony noted a scar on the [[Spiritual Realm]] itself where Ambition was Splintered.
On [[Roshar]], Odium's influence is felt most acutely through the numerous [[Desolation]]s he caused, as well as the murder and subsequent splintering of [[Honor]], which made the [[Stormfather]] what he is today.{{book ref|sa2|82}} He is known obliquely in the various religions of the world as the leader of the [[voidspren]] and the force behind the [[Voidbringers]].{{book ref|sa2|3}} In the present, the [[Everstorm]] and the [[True Desolation]] are his doing.{{book ref|sa2|84}}