Diferencia entre revisiones de «Odium»

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m (added ref and formatted quotes)
| I am emotion incarnate. I am the soul of the spren and of men. I am lust, joy, hatred, anger, and exultation. I am glory and I am vice. I am the very thing that makes men men.
| Odium speaking to [[Dalinar]]{{book ref|sa3|57}}
'''Odium''' is a [[Shard]] of [[Adonalsium]] held by [[Rayse]].{{wob ref|7266}} Unlike most other Shards, which typically pick a single world and settle there, Odium has been travelling freely throughout the [[cosmere]] for a long time, deliberately refusing to [[Invest]] himself anywhere. He is responsible for the deaths of at least four Shards -- [[Devotion]], [[Dominion]], [[Ambition]] and [[Honor]].{{au ref|Roshar}} In the present, he's confined to the planet [[Braize]], but his influence can be felt on the entire [[Rosharan system]].{{wob ref|9847}} The colors Odium’s [[Investiture]] is typically associated with is a “burning” gold or a Stygian violet.{{wob ref|13074}}
== Intent ==
| They call me Odium. A good enough name. It does have a certain bite to it. But the word is too limiting to describe me, and you should know that it is not all I represent.
| [[Rayse]]{{book ref|sa3|57}}
| I am … I was … God. The one you call the Almighty, the creator of mankind. And now I am dead. Odium has killed me. I am sorry.
| Tanavast{{book ref|sa1|75}}
Somewhere around that time, Honor and Odium fought, the former with assistance from Cultivation.{{wob ref|2729}} Unlike other Shards, Honor prepared, and his particular nature as the Shard of binding allowed him to tie Odium to one of the system's planets, [[Braize]].{{wob ref|8560}} Honor additionally crafted the [[Oathpact]], which would use the Heralds to imprison Odium's forces on Braize along with their master.{{book ref|sa3|38}} Unfortunately for Honor, Odium was a much better fighter at this point, and [[Tanavast]] was killed.{{wob ref|8560}}{{book ref|sa1|75}}
Odium decided to lead his forces on [[Thaylen City]] personally, although he didn't intend to use the plain [[singer]]s in battle. He first sent a pair of [[thunderclast]]s, one to destroy the city walls, and the other to get to the [[Thaylen Gemstone Reserve]], along with [[Fused]] to ensure that the [[King's Drop]] wouldn't fall into the wrong hands. Then, Odium used [[Nergaoul]] and the Alethi dependence on the [[Thrill]] to possess the [[Sadeas princedom]] forces in the city and make them turn against their own allies.{{book ref|sa3|115}}{{book ref|sa3|116}}
{{sidequote|No. No, we killed you. WE KILLED YOU !|Odium upon seeing [[Honor's Perpendicularity]]|side=right|size=350px}}
|No. No, we killed you. WE KILLED YOU !
|Odium upon seeing [[Honor's Perpendicularity]]
Odium then went, taking with him Venli and several other Fused, to confront Dalinar in front of the city. Dalinar once more repeated his demand for the contest of champions, and this time, Odium agreed, before revealing that his champion would be Dalinar himself.{{book ref|sa3|117}} By reminding Dalinar of his past crimes, chief among them the murder of his wife, [[Evi]], Odium attempted to persuade Dalinar to surrender his guilt and accept that it was all Odium's fault.{{book ref|sa3|118}} However, though Dalinar was initially horrified, he refused to give in. Odium could only watch, speechless, as Dalinar's newfound resolve allowed him to swear the Third Ideal of the [[Bondsmiths]] and open [[Honor's Perpendicularity]].{{book ref|sa3|119}}
Odium may be the one referred to as the Broken One. This quote mirrors how [[Stormfather]] talked to [[Kaladin]] and said "Odium reigns".{{book ref|sa1|46}} The "sixteen" surely indicates the sixteen [[Shard]]s, and indeed there are three Shards on Roshar. However, it is peculiar that if three reigned -- why is Odium (presumably one of the three) referred to so strangely as the "Broken One" here? It's possible to say that indeed Odium is one of the three mentioned rulers, and as to why he is called the Broken One, it can be said that while Odium ruled along with the other two Shards he was still solid and "whole" in the sense that he was of physical form. But, as indicated by Wit, he is more of a force than a living being so this Broken One status we can say is him becoming this force.
== Notes ==
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