Diferencia entre revisiones de «Obliteration»

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Furthermore, the heat he stored makes him hot to the touch to the point where simply touching him can cause burn wounds. Although, should he want to Obliteration has enough control over his powers to not melt objects he wants to keep intact, such as his sword.
;Teleportation: Obliteration can teleport, automatically taking inanimate objects and people he touches with him. His teleportation gets described as his body bursting outwards in a flash of light into ceramic shards. According to David's notes Obliteration can only this power every couple of minutes, however during [[Firefight]] he no longer seems to have this limitation.
;Danger Sense: (tied to his teleportation): Should something happen that would hurt Obliteration he automatically teleports away. The danger sense works reactive, meaning that it triggers after action has been taken, for example the trigger of a gun has been pulled, and only then when the action would actually hurt Obliteration and not if for example a gun shoot would miss him.
;Super Strenght: In [[Firefight]] Obliteration is strong enough to easily lift [[David]] up with one hand. This power was not in David's notes.