Diferencia entre revisiones de «Notum»

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m (→‎Exile: typos)
As Notum and his group traveled on the road towards Lasting Integrity, the diplomatic group followed behind a little ways. The other group noticed that there was a caravan of [[Tukari]] trailing them, so Adolin sent a messenger forward to Notum to ask about them. Despite Adolin's worry, Notum had to tell Adolin that there was nothing wrong with the Tukari using the road; he did ask to be informed if they did anything threatening.{{book ref|sa4|32}} At a certain point, Notum could go no farther west lest he get too close to Lasting Integrity, so he rode over on a magnificent glowing white horse-like spren to tell Adolin and Shallan that he would instead turn to go south. He tried again to tell them not to go to the capital and told them to give his best to Syl; before going, he explained, in answer to their questions about his ride, that not all [[spren]] were imagined by humans.{{book ref|sa4|34}}
As Notum and his caravan turned south, the Tukari group pursued them. When they caught up, they captured and bound Notum and three Reachers, then began stabbing Notum over and over faster than he could heal. Adolin tumbled to their plan and came to his rescue, managing to drive off the Tukari soldiers with [[Maya]]'s and [[Gallant]]'s help.{{book ref|sa4|35}} When he awoke, Notum expressed his utter shock that humans would attack a spren in such a manner. He didn't want to go with the group to receive aid at Lasting Integrity, no matter Adolin's urging, but the delegation from Urithiru put him on a horse and took the rest of his group back to their camp, where they immediately packed and left for the honorspren capital. On the way, Notum asked Adolin how he had trained Maya to fight alongside him and simply could not accept that Maya had jumped into the fray of her own volition. Despite their efforts to keep the honorspren from noticing Notum, the three who approached the party from the capital saw him and implacableimplacably stated that not only was he not welcome, but his presence in the group further degraded his reputation in their eyes. As Adolin, Maya, Shallan, and [[Pattern]] entered the fortress, the rest of the group made camp nearby and tended to Notum.{{book ref|sa4|36}}
=== Return to Lasting Integrity ===
