Diferencia entre revisiones de «Notum»

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=== Exile ===
Notum and his caravan happened to patrol through [[Nameless]] at the same time as the arrival of [[Unativi's barge]] with the [[Coalition of monarchs|coalition's]] emissary. He spoke with [[Unativi]] as [[Adolin]] was returning from town, then confronted Adolin with condescension and displeasure. Adolin surprised Notum by describing the diplomatic goals of their trip, but the spren immediately dismissed any chance of their success and tried to explain the hopelessness of the mission by illustrating a hypothetical situation that compared the Radiants to thieves. He sincerely wished to convey to Adolin that they had no chance with the honorspren so long as the spren felt as they did about the Recreance, but got riled up so that he stalked away towards his caravan. Adolin called after him, mentioning his ship, so Notum explained to him about his punishment. When he asked whether they had at least been able to save Dalinar, Adolin was forced to admit that really it had been the other way around. Notum left, intending to try again to dissuade Adolin from visiting Lasting Integrity if they met again on the road.{{book ref|sa4|30}}
{{image|The Strength Of A Soldier by Dejan Delic.jpg|side=right|height=250px|[[Adolin]] saving [[Notum]] from the [[Tukar]]i}}
As Notum and his group traveled on the road towards Lasting Integrity, the diplomatic group followed behind a little ways. The other group noticed that there was a caravan of [[Tukari]] trailing them, so Adolin sent a messenger forward to Notum to ask about them. Despite Adolin's worry, Notum had to tell Adolin that there was nothing wrong with the Tukari using the road; he did ask to be informed if they did anything threatening.{{book ref|sa4|32}} At a certain point, Notum could go no farther west lest he get too close to Lasting Integrity, so he rode over on a magnificent glowing white horse-like spren to tell Adolin and Shallan that he would instead turn to go south. He tried again to tell them not to go to the capital and told them to give his best to Syl; before going, he explained, in answer to their questions about his ride, that not all [[spren]] were imagined by humans.{{book ref|sa4|34}}
