Diferencia entre revisiones de «Nazrilof»

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Nazh was created by [[Isaac Stewart]]; as such, he owns the rights to the character.{{wob ref|1504}} He came about accidentally during the writing of ''[[Rithmatist]]''. When discussing the book, Isaac kept mispronouncing [[Nalizar]] as "Nazrilof". Brandon joked that the two were separate characters, with the latter being an alter-ego for Isaac himself, which became an inside joke in the writing group for a while. When the time came to create a map of [[Elendel]] for ''[[The Alloy of Law]]'', however, Brandon and Isaac returned to the idea seriously, and decided to make Nazh Khriss' map-collecting sidekick.{{wob ref|13743}}
There are some plans to create more stories featuring Nazh, including a telling his backstory; so far, the only known detail is that his home town is called [[Cialanis]], or some variation on the spelling thereof.{{wob ref|13011}} When Khriss and Nazh met, and when Nazh left Threnody, has so far been left ambiguous so that Brandon has more liberty with plotting out ''[[The Dust Brigade]]''.{{wob ref|452}} On the other hand, the how of [[Khriss]] and Nazh meeting will be partially revealed in the sequel to ''[[White Sand]]'', if it's ever created. Isaac has also expressed the desire to write a novella focusing on [[Nicelle Sauvage]], featuring Nazh as a major character.{{wob ref|12766}}{{wob ref|13744}}
== Trivia ==
* Nazh is not the person writing the [[Ars Arcanum|Ars Arcana]]{{wob ref|7026}} (it is in fact [[Khriss]]), or the tattooist who gave the [[Bridge Four|bridgemen]] their tattoos.{{17s ref|post|101708}}
* Brandon has compared Nazh to a "grumpy [[Wikipedia: James Bond| James Bond]]".{{wob ref|13587}} Isaac, meanwhile, says he's "basically a young [[wikipedia:Peter Capaldi|Peter Capaldi]]".{{wob ref|9555}}
* Nazh's accent is meant to sound Scottish.{{wob ref|13011}}
* Nazh is Isaac's second favouritefavorite character in the cosmere, after [[Dalinar]].{{wob ref|13169}}
== Notes ==