Diferencia entre revisiones de «Nam»

68 bytes añadidos ,  hace 12 días
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{{in progress}}
|first appeared=[[OathbringerJuramentada]]
|Quieren que seamos granjeros. Estoy harta de trabajar en granjas.
|They want us to farm, I'm tired of farming.
|Pal explainingexplicando whypor shequé andella y Nam clearlimpian rubbleescombros.{{book ref|sa3|122}}
'''Nam''' ises aune [[singercantor]]e inen [[Kholinar]].{{book ref|sa3|122}}
AlongJunco withcon [[Pal]], theyes areune onede oflos the fewpocos [[singerscantores]] whoque survivedsobrevivieron theal [[Siegeasedio ofa Kholinar]] togetherjunto withcon [[Moash]]. TheySe joinune a Moash andy [[Khen]] whoque areestán clearinglimpiando rubbleescombros inen Kholinar. BothAmbos of them wearllevan [[warformforma de guerra]] aten thatese timemomento.{{book ref|sa3|122}}
ItNo isn'testá clearclaro forcuánto howtiempo longllevan Nam andy Pal haveen beenel ingrupo de [[Khen]]'s group.
== NotesNotas ==
<references />
{{complete|[[User:Chaos2651|Chaos2651]] ([[User talk:Chaos2651|talk]]) 14:31, 9 June 2019 (MST)}}
