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Twinborn only began to appear after the [[Final Ascension]], due to the intermingling of the [[Terris]] people with the other citizens of the Final Empire. This mingling also had the effect of diluting Feruchemical power, creating [[Ferring]]s. The interaction of Feruchemy and Allomancy in a single person allows for practical benefits of the power ([[Gold|Bloodmaker]]s healing in a time bubble, [[Coinshot]]s augmenting their weight with Feruchemical [[iron]]), etc.
It should be noted however, that it is not possible to be born a Mistborn and full Feruchemist. This is due to fact that they share portions of the individual's "spiritual DNA" (as stated by Brandon){{cite}}, thus preventing a full manifestation of both abilities. Whether this means someone can be born a full Mistborn and Ferring or full Feruchemist and Misting is yet to be determined.
== Compounding ==