Diferencia entre revisiones de «Nacidoble»

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(added further description - unsure of how to use this, please add citations)
A '''Twinborn''' was a [[metalbornMetalborn]] with one [[Allomantic]] power and one [[Feruchemical]] power.
Notable twinbornTwinborn included [[Waxillium Ladrian]], [[Wayne]], and [[Miles Dagouter]].{{cite}}
Twinborn only began to appear after the events of the first [[First MistbornFinal TrilogyAscension]], due to the intermingling of the [[Terris]] racespeople with the others. This mingling also had the effect of diluting feruchemicalFeruchemical power, creating [[Ferring]]s. The interaction of Feruchemy and Allomancy in a single person allows for both practical benefits of the power ([[Gold|Bloodmaker]]s healing in a time bubble, [[Coinshot]]s augmenting their weight with feruchemicalFeruchemical [[iron]]) and a more involved process called [[compoundingCompounding]]. {{cite}}
== Notes ==