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|books=[[White Sand]]
'''N'Teese''' is a guide working for [[Loaten]]. in [[Kezare]] on the Dayside of [[Taldain]]
== Appearance and Personality ==
She has thebrown appearanceeyes, ofdark a[[Kerztian]] streetskin, and brown hair which she wears in a urchinponytail. [[Loaten]] calls her one of his best people. She claims to be half [[Darksider]], half [[Kerzta|Kerztian]], and half [[Lossandin]]. She is not good at mathematics.{{book ref|ws1|5}}
== History ==
N'Teese works as guide for [[Khriss]] while she and her party are in [[Lossand]]. After hearing that they want to talk to someone who has information, she leads Khriss to [[Loaten]] for information.{{book ref|ws1|5}} She later leads Khriss around Lossand, acting as her guide and translator under to order of Loaten as Khriss tries to get votes for the [[Diem]].
| Oh no, I'm not going to lead these fools around the city, Loaten.
== Notes ==
| N'Teese to Loaten.{{book ref|ws1|5}}
N'Teese guided [[Khriss]] to [[Lonzare]]. For a ten [[lak]] fee, she brought them to see Loaten. To N'Teese's chagrin, Loaten assigned her to be Khriss' guide and translator throughout her stay in Kezare.{{book ref|ws1|5}} She attempted to set up meetings for Khriss with seven of the [[Taishin]], but was unsuccessful. The next day she took them to see [[Lord Mastrell]] [[Kenton]] at the [[Diem]].{{book ref|ws1|6}}
After Kenton and Khriss had a spat she took the group back to Lonzare. She brought Khriss and [[Baon]] to the Artisan conference center where they met up with Kenton,{{book ref|ws2|1}} and later that same day she took them to the [[Hall of Judgement]] to meet with [[Lady Judge]] [[Heelis]]. At Heelis' suggestion she brought them to meet with [[Nilto]].{{book ref|ws2|2}}
After Baon left and Kenton "accepted" Khriss as a [[sand mastery|sand master]], N'Teese moved into the Diem with Khriss and the two professors. Khriss sent her off to find Nilto so she can ask him to find Baon for her.{{book ref|ws3|1}} After assassins attacked Khriss in a restaurant, N'Teese returned, saying that Nilto was ready to meet, and the two of them ran off to meet with him. She later brought word from Nilto that he was leaving town and would not be able to search for Baon. The two of them chased after Nilto and caught him at the docks as he was boarding a ship. Khriss confronted Nilto, having figured out his true identity, Gevin. Jon Acron was revealed to be an assassin sent by [[Skathan]], and in the ensuing fight Baon was shot. After Khriss killed Acron, N'Teese reassures her that Baon was only grazed by the bullet and that he will be fine.{{book ref|ws3|2}}
She went to the Diem to watch Kenton and [[Drile]]'s duel.{{book ref|ws3|6}}
== Notes ==
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