
De La Coppermind
Ir a la navegación Ir a la búsqueda

Nota: tras guardar, quizás necesites actualizar la caché de tu navegador para ver los cambios.

  • Firefox/Safari: Mantén presionada la tecla Mayús mientras pulsas el botón Actualizar, o presiona Ctrl+F5 o Ctrl+R (⌘+R en Mac)
  • Google Chrome: presiona Ctrl+Shift+R (⌘+Mayús+R en Mac)
  • Internet Explorer: mantén presionada Ctrl mientras pulsas Actualizar, o presiona Ctrl+F5
  • Opera: dirígete a Menú → Configuración (Opera → Preferencias en Mac) y luego a Privacidad y seguridad → Borrar datos de navegación → Imágenes y archivos en caché.
/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */

  wrapper for creating new html elements
function ne(tag, attrs) {
  var _ = $(document.createElement(tag));
  for (var i in attrs)
    _.attr(i, attrs[i]);
  return _;

/* push Notes down below infoboxes */

/* replace "Coppermind:Welcome" with "Welcome to the Coppermind" */
$('h1:contains("Coppermind:Welcome")').text("Welcome to the Coppermind");

/* 2014-05
  add title attributes to all ref tags, containing the text shown in the ref
$('[id*="cite_ref"]').each(function (i, el) {
    var el = $(el)
    var a = $('[href="#'+el.attr('id')+'"]')
    el.attr('title','.reference-text').text() || a.parent().nextAll('.reference-text').text())

/* 2017-11 - protect roll back links */
$('.mw-rollback-link').attr('onclick', "return confirm('definitely roll back?')")

/* 2014-04
  augment actionpaths edits to LocalSetting.php 
$('[href*="title="]').attr('href', function (i, value) {
  return value.replace(/\/w\/index.php\?title=(.+?)\&(.+?)/, "/wiki/$1?$2")
$('#searchform').attr('action', '/wiki/Special:Search')
$('form').attr('action', function (i, value) {
  return value.replace("/w/index.php", "/wiki/" + $('[name="title"]', this).attr('value'))

/* 2015-01
  add links to Brandon's site and the interview database to the sidebar
jQuery(function () {

  function ModifySidebar( action, section, name, link ) {
  /* from */
	try {
		switch ( section ) {
			case 'languages':
				var target = 'p-lang';
			case 'toolbox':
				var target = 'p-tb';
			case 'navigation':
				var target = 'p-navigation';
				var target = 'p-' + section;
		if ( action == 'add' ) {
			var node = document.getElementById( target )
							   .getElementsByTagName( 'div' )[0]
							   .getElementsByTagName( 'ul' )[0];
			var aNode = document.createElement( 'a' );
			var liNode = document.createElement( 'li' );
			aNode.appendChild( document.createTextNode( name ) );
			aNode.setAttribute( 'href', link );
			liNode.appendChild( aNode );
			liNode.className = 'plainlinks';
			node.appendChild( liNode );
		if ( action == 'remove' ) {
			var list = document.getElementById( target )
							   .getElementsByTagName( 'div' )[0]
							   .getElementsByTagName( 'ul' )[0];
			var listelements = list.getElementsByTagName( 'li' );
			for ( var i = 0; i < listelements.length; i++ ) {
				if (
					listelements[i].getElementsByTagName( 'a' )[0].innerHTML == name ||
					listelements[i].getElementsByTagName( 'a' )[0].href == link
					list.removeChild( listelements[i] );
	} catch( e ) {
		// let's just ignore what's happened

  if (!mw.config.get('wgIsArticle') || mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace') !== '')
  if (mw.config.get('wgCategories').includes('Meta'))
  var title = mw.config.get('wgTitle');
  ModifySidebar( 'add', 'toolbox', "Search Brandon's website for " + title, ''+ title );
  ModifySidebar( 'add', 'toolbox', 'Search Arcanum for '+ title, ''+ title );

/* 2017-11: functions for generating links and buttons */
// make an <a> with a url and some text
function make_a(url, text) {
 const el = document.createElement('a')
 el.setAttribute('href', url)
 el.innerText = text
 return el

// make a nice link button for the edit box
function make_edit_button(url, text, title) {
 // create link element
 const ln = make_a(url, text)
 ln.setAttribute('target', '_blank')
 // create wrap element
 const el = document.createElement('span')
 el.setAttribute('title', title)
 // style elements
 // FIXME: these are copied from the oo-ui elements in the edit box
 ln.className = 'oo-ui-inputWidget-input oo-ui-buttonElement-button'
 el.className = 'oo-ui-widget oo-ui-widget-enabled oo-ui-inputWidget oo-ui-buttonElement oo-ui-buttonElement-framed oo-ui-labelElement oo-ui-buttonInputWidget'
 // return element for insertion
 return el

// create a link that looks like .editsection
function make_editsection_link(url) {
 // generate an edit link
 const ln = make_a(url, 'edit')
 // wrap the link in an '.editsection' link floated right
 const el = document.createElement('span')
 el.className = 'mw-editsection' = 'right'
 // push [] around the A element into the span
 return el