Diferencia entre revisiones de «MeLaan»

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(→‎Pre Catacendre: Was written in present tense, fixed this section)
=== Pre Catacendre ===
MeLaan attendsattended TenSoon's judgement trial. After he iswas publicly imprisoned, she approachesapproached him and offersoffered to help him escape. She also offersoffered to retrieve the [[Blessing of Potency]] he took from [[OreSeur]]. She believesbelieved his claim that [[Vin]] iswas the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler's]] heir, and that the kandra's [[First Contract]] hashad been transferred to her. She takestook the changes in the outside world –- the [[mist]]s that remainremained during the day and constant ashfall -– as signs and proof.
When TenSoon refusesrefused to rebel against the First and Second Generations, she accusesaccused him of abandoning his people. She iswas present at his sentencing, after which he escaped.
After [[KanPaar]] revoltsrevolted against the first generation and imprisonsimprisoned [[Sazed]], [[TenSoon]] returnsreturned to the [[Kandra Homeland]]. He findsfound that [[Sazed]] hashad been taken prisoner with the help of MeLaan. MeLaan then fetchesfetched the keys toand releasereleased the first generation, as well as securing bones for them to inhabit.{{book ref|mb3|78}}
=== Post Catacendre ===