Diferencia entre revisiones de «MeLaan»

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Later, she meets Wax, [[Wayne]], and [[Marasi]] at a tavern. She goes on to help them on their quest to defeat [[Bleeder]]. MeLaan impersonates one of Governor [[Replar Innate]]'s guards and saves Wax from bleeder after the rouge kandra reveals herself. {{book ref|mb5|22}}
With bleeder unmasked and on the run MeLaan attempts to impersonate Governor Innate in her stead with the intent of placating the angry crowed. While the crowed believes the ruse MeLaan's natural inclinations to mimicry move her away from the speech that Marasi planed and she ends of inflaming instead of calming everyone. Before a riot can break out [[Aradel]] intervenes. He arrests MeLaan and gains the support of the gathered citizenry by promising them justice.[[{{book ref|mb5|26]]}}
MeLaan did not know about the true identity of Bleeder and was told only afterward. However she firmly believed that Harmony had done the right thing in not informing Wax of the true identity of his antagonist. After the defeat of Bleeder she continues to impersonate Governor Innate "hanging" herself in her cell so that she does not have to falsely testify in a court of law.{{book ref|mb5|Epilogue}}