Diferencia entre revisiones de «Matain»

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|books=[[TheEl Stormlightarchivo Archivede las tormentas]]
'''Matain''' ises anun [[Alethialezi]] [[stormwardenpredicetormentas]] onen [[Roshar]] whoque servessirve undera Kinglas órdenes del rey [[Gavilar Kholin]].{{book ref|sa1|45}}
HeFue wasuno amongde thelos scholarseruditos thatque accompaniedacompañaron a Gavilar onen hissus earlyprimeras expeditionsexpediciones toa thelas [[ShatteredLlanuras PlainsQuebradas]] inen {{Rosharan date|1166}}. HeGavilar wasconfiaba trusteden by Gavilarél, and actedquien asactuaba ancomo advisorconsejero.{{book ref|sa1|45}}
Dictó un relato de uno de los primeros encuentros con los [[parshendi]]. Se había mostrado escéptico ante los avistamientos iniciales de [[parshmenio]]s "salvajes" por parte del grupo de exploradores de [[Dalinar]], y se quedó atónito cuando varios individuos aparecieron en el campamento de Gavilar. Proporcionó una descripción física de los parshendi, incluidas sus armas y vestimenta. Gavilar le encargó que investigase su idioma, su sociedad y su música. Matain seguía pensando que podían ser un engaño, pero se vio obligado a reconocer su autenticidad tras conocer mejor su cultura. Según [[Jasnah Kholin]], el relato de Matain sobre el repentino interés académico de Gavilar por los parshendi no era un mero adorno.{{book ref|sa1|45}}
He dictated an account of one of the first encounters with the [[Parshendi]]. He had been skeptical about initial sightings of "wild" [[parshmen]] by [[Dalinar]]'s scouting group, and was stunned when several individuals appeared at Gavilar's camp. He provided a physical description of the Parshendi, including their weapons and clothing. Gavilar tasked him with investigating their language, society, and music. Matain still thought they might be a hoax, but was forced to acknowledge their authenticity after learning more about their culture. Matain's account of Gavilar's sudden scholarly interest in the Parshendi was not an embellishment, according to [[Jasnah Kholin]].{{book ref|sa1|45}}
HeContinuó continuedsirviendo toa servela Housecasa Kholin ascomo apredicetormentas stormwardentras afterla Gavilar'smuerte deathde Gavilar; heestuvo waspresente presenten atel theexperimento experimentde oflas theplataformas floatingflotantes platforms thatque [[Navani Kholin]] conductedllevó ina thecabo Kholinen warcampel campamento de guerra Kholin priorantes tode thela [[Battlebatalla ofde Narak]].{{book ref|sa2|35}}
== NotesNotas ==
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{{complete|[[User:Chaos2651|Chaos2651]] ([[User talk:Chaos2651|talk]]) 00:29, 28 February 2019 (MST)}}